Substantive Post #2: “Giving Sex”

When we talk about gender, yes we talk about it as something that we do that was given to us, but we also talk about it in a way that implies malleability. To us, societally, gender is a fluid concept on a sliding scale that can be different from the way we were born, different … Read more

Substantive Post #1: “Toward an ‘African Intersex Reference of Intelligence’: Directions in Intersex Organizing”

Despite the topic of my final paper ultimately focusing on intersex movements in South Africa, I felt it was important to provide myself with background on intersex rights and intersex struggles across Africa, a continent that I had not done any meaningful research into before this paper. Swarr (2023) starts the chapter with a quote: … Read more

Weekly Post #7: “States Banning Gender-Affirming Care May Continue to Allow Intersex Surgeries”

Intersex and Transgender people are often pitted against one another. The arguments used by the intersex community are twisted to condemn the trans community, arguments in the trans community are twisted to condemn the intersex community. Despite both movements often working together to fight against medicalization and fight for civil rights, the two are seen … Read more

Weekly Post #6: “A Defined Binary and the People it Legally Erased: Intersex and Trans Activists Fight Montana Law Defining Sex as Binary”

Montana’s Senate Bill 458 is an unassuming enough name. The contents, however, are somewhat problematic. The bill draws the binary of female and male based on the presence of XX or XY chromosomes. A spokesperson for lawmakers behind the bill have argued that the bill simply follows commonsense and biological logic for this binary and … Read more

Weekly Post #4: Caster Semenya Still Barred from Competing in Paris

The topic of testosterone in women’s sports has been dominating conversations on women’s athletics from childhood to professional sports. One group often overlooked but deeply affected by this topic is cis-identifying female intersex athletes. In 2019, the Olympics did away the the archaic and humiliating system that was sex-testing for all female athletes and brought … Read more

The Kiss that Overshadowed Spanish Women’s Soccer History

Women’s soccer is a passion of mine and while USA is my team, even I had to admit that at this year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup Spain was a dominant force. Their team was among the best, if not the best, that I had watched in my time as a fan. I spent the cup … Read more

“They appear to have done nothing”: Facebook’s Inaction in the Face of Human Trafficking

Facebook is one of the world’s largest virtual communities and plays host to a wide array of services and people from across the world. This is, of course, a for-profit company focused on constant growth and two years ago in a leak from inside the company we learned at what cost they would pursue this … Read more