Re-Naming “Rape Culture” I was recently reading an article published in The Nation, titled Ten Things to End Rape Culture. I agreed with everything the article mentions yet I believe that it was missing what I believe is the most important factor to ending rape culture; that is a change of name. Culture from an anthropological definition … Read more

Anti-Lynching Memorial to Open: What would Ida B. Wells Barnett say?

This new memorial will open in Montgomery Alabama this year, and it has some unusual aspects to it: We have studied Ida B. Wells Barnett’s campaign to end lynching and the stark descriptions of those cases. I wonder how she would respond. And in case you didn’t know, in 2005, the U.S. Congress did … Read more

Trafficked boys in Thai fishing industry

Although this isn’t new news, it is good to see a way for consumers to try to do something about it by learning whether the fish you buy is caught under humane conditions for the fisher-people. Boys are vulnerable to these jobs. I was in Thailand and didn’t see this directly (but know that trafficking … Read more

#MeToo in Popular Culture

Saturday Night Live was able to take on the #MeToo movement with humor. The second sketch actually brings up intersectionality, another example of how this term has made its way into the public lingo:   “Next For Men” Ad   Dinner Discussion    

We have been discussing human trafficking in our anthropology class. Students wanted to know more about what they could do to help. Savannah Bynum found this video produced by the Michigan State Police on how workers can watch for signs of trafficking. Here is a link to it: Kari Carr shared this video from the … Read more

Following the #MeToo movement

Time Magazine Person of the Year: “The Silence Breakers” I will start the semester off with this developing story, that will likely follow us through the semester. I want to call our attention to some interesting sociological questions: –Why now? –Why such a rapid fall from grace (job/career loss, even company bankruptcy) immediately after the … Read more