Using Fashion To Keep Women From Sex Trafficking

After traveling to India and meeting women who were forced to sell their bodies in order to provide for their families, Shannon Keith decided to invest $25,000 of her own money to make a change. Embracing the beautiful patterns of the culture in India, she created a business model that would employ these impoverished women … Read more

Trump not a feminist? Shocker!!

CNN Fox News As President Trump is gearing up for his first State of the Union, he is starting to give hints into some of the things he might talk about. Not surprisingly he’s planning on talking about the booming economy, low unemployment rates, the Republican tax bill, etc. More unexpectedly, he is also planning … Read more

#MeToo in Popular Culture

Saturday Night Live was able to take on the #MeToo movement with humor. The second sketch actually brings up intersectionality, another example of how this term has made its way into the public lingo:   “Next For Men” Ad   Dinner Discussion    

I Am Jane Doe PSA to Amend the CDA

  January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and this short video briefly describes the issue of websites that knowingly profit from sex trafficking advertisements of children. It calls viewers to action by asking you to contact you senator to ask that SESTA be passed to close the loophole that allows this heinous criminal activity to … Read more

Censorship of the #MeToo Movement- China

As detailed in the article, “‘Me Too,’ Chinese Women Say. Not So Fast Say the Censors, ” women in China are facing extreme pressure not to take part in the #metoo movement. Women who have experienced sexual assault or harassment are told to keep quiet and are often threatened or told that they will ruin their … Read more

Are Women of Color being left out of #Metoo?

Published on January 2, 2018, this article by the Huffington Post discusses the conversation around the movement #Metoo and the place Women of Color hold within the movement. According to the article, women of color feel as if their voices and stories are being drowned out or not heard, even though this movement was created by … Read more