The Kiss that Overshadowed Spanish Women’s Soccer History

Women’s soccer is a passion of mine and while USA is my team, even I had to admit that at this year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup Spain was a dominant force. Their team was among the best, if not the best, that I had watched in my time as a fan. I spent the cup … Read more

USA Gymnastics Assault Conspiracy

I wanted to share this article, since we discussed the USA Gymnastics scandal and many didn’t know about it. Here’s the link: Take a look at how the accusations date so many years back and how the actions taken from within each institution were only to protect the institutions and none of the actions, although … Read more

Title IX Violation

The University of California at Berkeley could fail to meet the Title IX standards after it eliminated five varsity teams last fall, because of state aid cuts.  The university dropped women’s lacrosse and gymnastics.  In order for the university to meet the standards they will have to add 50 spots for women in existing athletic … Read more