Political Cauldron Boils on U.N. Women’s Rights

In this article, Amy Leiberman discusses the outcomes of this year’s UN Global Gathering of Women. While the gathering did produce conclusions via a 17 page document on the issue of violence against women, it is heavily criticized by many within gender and women’s rights. Many individuals say that the meeting has turned into a battleground over rights, rather than a public forum. … Read more

LGBT Adoption Bill Introduced to the House – READ

This article is explains what this bill is and that chances that is will pass the bill.  I would give more detail but it is a fantastic aritcle and want people to read it.  So here is the link to the article and READ IT: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/03/lgbt-adoption-bill-introduced_n_857172.html -Kelly Thompson-

S. Korea court upholds military ban on gay behavior

The following is the newspaper content I quoted from the Yahoo! News. SEOUL (AFP) – South Korea’s Constitutional Court on Thursday upheld a military law banning homosexual behaviour, saying the need to maintain discipline takes precedence over individual sexual freedom. In a 5-4 split decision, the court ruled that the military criminal code which punishes … Read more