Women shouldering ‘cost and burden’ in China

http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20180220-women-shouldering-cost-and-burden As we all know, in recent decades China has established itself as a world economic power after it began its transition from a communist model to a capitalist system. These reforms have brought benefits for their population because it has allowed them access to opportunities and freedoms that were restricted in the previous system. … Read more

Donald Trump, a Gift That Keeps Giving?

New records are being set in 2018 in terms of women running for Congress. Although it is heavily skewed towards the Democrats, both parties are experiencing significant increases in women running. EMILY’s List, an organization that recruits based on the candidates pro-choice platform, reports that 30,000 women were interested in running for the upcoming election … Read more

Children Hurt Women’s Earnings, but Not Men’s

https://nyti.ms/2GMarBM According to recent studies, the wage gap between women and men in developed countries is explained mostly by the motherhood. Both in Europe and in the United States, these studies have shown that the the gender pay gap is much smaller until the first child arrives, then women’s earnings fall and their career trajectories slow.In … Read more

Religion, Gender Roles, and Inequality

Religion, Gender Roles, and Inequality Substantive Blog Post #1 (Research for Final Paper) Ambivalent Sexism, Scriptural Literalism, and Religiosity Background: For my final paper, I have decided to examine how religious interpretations influence female gender roles and inequality, with a focus on Christianity. As a female Christian, this is an issue that I am interested … Read more

The Feminine leadership in Davos

Last week the World Economic Forum was held in Davos, Switzerland. This Summit that every year calls many of the most important world’s business leaders, economists and  politicians to discuss a specific theme of global interest, has been seen as an elitist and predominantly masculine event due to the low participation of the women. However, … Read more

Trump not a feminist? Shocker!!

CNN Fox News As President Trump is gearing up for his first State of the Union, he is starting to give hints into some of the things he might talk about. Not surprisingly he’s planning on talking about the booming economy, low unemployment rates, the Republican tax bill, etc. More unexpectedly, he is also planning … Read more

Censorship of the #MeToo Movement- China

As detailed in the article, “‘Me Too,’ Chinese Women Say. Not So Fast Say the Censors, ” women in China are facing extreme pressure not to take part in the #metoo movement. Women who have experienced sexual assault or harassment are told to keep quiet and are often threatened or told that they will ruin their … Read more