“They appear to have done nothing”: Facebook’s Inaction in the Face of Human Trafficking

Facebook is one of the world’s largest virtual communities and plays host to a wide array of services and people from across the world. This is, of course, a for-profit company focused on constant growth and two years ago in a leak from inside the company we learned at what cost they would pursue this … Read more

Op-Ed: A Call to Authenticity: The Plight of Transgender Refugees

Evander Jennings   Picture this: You are looking out upon a scorched desert, humming the song your mother used to sing you to at night when you couldn’t sleep. As you hum this tune you realize there are many more sleepless nights ahead. You remember last night, like so many others. The memories flood back as … Read more

The Wrong Debate: Substantive Blog Post #3

How do policies on immigration create an environment in which migrants can be targeted for human trafficking?   This article observes the complexities behind feminism and the distinction of women that are trafficked. The author argues that the word “force” is currently the primary factor in determining trafficking and the loose term benefits traffickers because … Read more

Undocumented Immigrants and Mental Health

This is a powerful story of how the experience of being undocumented can affect one’s mental health. So many discussions about the Florida shooting are about mental health as a causal factor. But what about mental health as the result of unjust social policies, over-policing, and broken laws? “What Happened to Norma’s Brain?” https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/undocumented-immigrants-ptsd_us_5a74e117e4b06ee97af29715

Europe needs to do more to prevent human trafficking

http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/english/2015/10/europe-urged-to-do-more-to-prevent-trafficking/#.ViU0g36rSM9 This snippet highlights another consequence of the migration of refugees from the Middle East and Africa. According to the article, human traffickers are taking advantage of refugees’ vulnerable state, often smuggling them via “unseaworthy vessels.” UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, is urging Europe to help trafficked victims through not allowing … Read more

Hmong child bride lawsuit in Minnesota

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/09/28/the-open-secret-of-abused-hmong-child-brides-goes-public-in-minnesota-law-suit/?tid=hybrid_collaborative_3_na This article is about child brides ie human trafficking of child brides from Laos. In this case, a woman has chosen to speak out and is suing her perpetrator/abuser. There is apparently a population of Hmong people in St. Paul Minnesota and it is a common occurrence where young girls in Laos are lured … Read more