Women Resist Burka Ban in France

As the burka ban goes into effect in France, women are resisting — only about 2,000 women in the entire country wear the full burka that the law references. Charlotte Armster’s visit to our campus to discuss the headscarf in Turkey is well-timed. She will speak with the sociology class this evening, and everyone should … Read more

How far is too far?

Everyone you have to see this video. In this video 7 year-olds that are “dancing” to “Single Ladies”. What were these parents thinking? What does this say about the way we are bringing up our kids? I think this case definitely shows hypersexualization of the youth in America. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYRIYL5uP6w&feature=player_embedded

Can you judge a Middle Eastern society by its treatment of its women?

In my graduate class about The United States and the Middle East, we discussed the idea that we can judge Islamic societies by how they treat their women.  As an example our professor shared a story about a woman historian, whose focus is Turkey, who is concerned about the general decline of women in positions of government … Read more

India’s Girl Gap

The 2011 census in India has brought attention to the continual gender gap in the country. The percentage of girls has rapidly dropped in the past two decades causing a social catastrophe throughout the region. Every since the arrival of ultrasounds, two decades ago in India, there has been more the 20 million female fetuses … Read more

Married Gay Couples ‘Refuse to Lie’ on Tax Forms

This article addresses the issue of same-sax couples confronting the federal law with the right of filing their taxes jointly this tax season. In some cases if the couples file separately they have to pay instead of receiving a refund. Same-sex couples by law are required to file separately because the IRS defines marriage “as … Read more

India’s Surrogacy Bloom

I apologize if this story has already been posted (I checked the website but so much stuff gets posted that it’s hard to keep up). This story talks about how surrogacy has been legal in India since 2002, and how poor women become surrogate mothers to try to supplement their husband’s income.  Hundreds of women … Read more

Muslim Model Defends Miss Universe Bid

http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/12860407 Shanna Bukhari, a 24 year old living in Manchester has recently come under fire for making it to the final selection round for a chance to represent the United Kingdom in the Miss Universe competition. Religious reasons account for most of the opposition she has been facing. Is she disgracing Islam or proving that … Read more

Zambia Acid Attack

This article tells the story of a 13 year old girl who had acid thrown on her by an older man whom was rejected as a suitor so that she could continue her education. The author discusses how acid crime has risen since the 1960’s, and how easily it is obtained on the internet and … Read more