Microfinance Organizations

http://www.myphilanthropedia.org/top-nonprofits/international/microfinance/2012 In Half The Sky, Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn tell the inspiring story of Saima Muhammad in Pakistan who was able pull her family out of poverty and become a prosperous woman after receiving a $65 loan from a microfinance organization.  I have donated to Kiva for several years now (kiva.org) and specifically searched … Read more

Human Sex Trafficking in the French Quarter

http://http://www.wdsu.com/news/local-news/new-orleans/5-victims-of-human-trafficking-rescued-in-French-Quarter/-/9853400/18353956/-/vd2ip5z/-/index.html?absolute=true I visited New Orleans the first time with the Sociology Department to attend a conference.  While it was a great trip I was shocked at my uneasiness walking around the French Quarter.  Since we have been reading Half the Sky I for some reason decided to start searching “sex trafficking in the French Quarter.”  … Read more

Police Officer Allegedly Beats Female Complainant

This article is a very short one, but caught my attention because of the material we are reading in class. This article takes place in Lusaka. It is about a woman (Bwalya Mwewa) that went to the police station to file a complaint. Her complaint was against her husband. She was alleging that she had … Read more

Virgins Auctioned!!!!

This week’s reading dealt with the issue of trafficking of sex slaves. One major issue brought up by the authors was the number of virgins that were kidnapped and forced into slave.  These young girls are sought after due to their virginity and its overall monetary value in sex slaves. The article I am posting … Read more

Info about the Kill-the-Gays Bill in Uganda

An organization called Political Research Associates sent someone undercover to find out about this movement in Uganda, and found out that it was an American evangelical organization that helped get this moving: http://www.politicalresearch.org/pra-condemns-uganda-anti-homosexuality-bill/    

India gang-rape trial starts with testimony from victim’s friend

https://sn2prd0106.outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=pfd03WnWnESbUo3oD6hJWdfUr85x188I30AV6m7eGKVgRmPWouxk1LH6KVnOsI_XBpkL6Jxr_pg.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fus.lrd.yahoo.com%2f%3b_ylc%3dX1MDMjE0Mzc5NzU2OQRhbgNvcGVuTGluawRjaANlbWFpbARldAN1Z2Nfc29jX2NvbnYEZ2QDbW9vcmV0OThAc3R1ZGVudHMuZWN1LmVkdQRwbGF0Zm9ybQNZSE9PLVVOUAR0cANzb2NpYWxDb252ZXJzYXRpb24uaHRtbAR0cwMyMDEzMDIwNQ–%3f675543638395830897%2fSIG%3d1cpucohvh%2f**http%253A%252F%252Fnews.yahoo.com%252Findia-gang-rape-trial-starts-testimony-victims-friend-132022274.html%253Fugc_c%253DDSCzZVz12QCM8it_0BjDpv_s4VjaHzDp0Py6ekxMMZrkOjokmoYQZWQ_WgW1Apm4fqvQVf3HuV6PUgeneHOqGBJeUXDu3DaKibB8D1PIIYIK6mVYp5rK6ULvOYd8zugjTfNaG.v3P2ChwfLMEp5FZGua4s5MGWhU..9cbO2kcVNilztYpVkr8ySu5N8jnZZt9emFElEmlhJO5ITv.PwCFQs4lWyRjcjlW7fUr7qxxgC4SJ56DtwTBhBVHlWptDHIYXA-%2526bcnv_s%253De%2526ugc_scnv%253D1%2526ll%253D5 I selected this article because I feel that it’s very relevant to the class and the gender issues that we discuss. It follows up on a previously mentioned case of five men and one juvenile on trial for maliciously raping a young woman who was riding the bus home from a movie in New Delhi (Reuters), … Read more

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/05/kanye-west-queer-pioneer-skirt-lord-jamar-_n_2618349.html?utm_hp_ref=gay-voices While browsing HuffPost, I found a short article informing Hip-Hop fans of Lord Jamar’s (of the crew Brand Nubian) choice disk track aimed at Kanye West. Speaking from a sole point of view, it would seem that the greatest of disrespects would be in slandering another person’s character. But in this case, Lord Jamar … Read more

LGBT Support in Popular Culture

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/04/06/AR2007040602286.html http://japandailypress.com/tokyo-disney-resort-permits-weddings-between-gay-couples-152146 In class we discussed how it popular culture is a common thread used in various countries as a way to gain LGBT support.  What is more popular in the US than Disney World?  We are subjected to Mickey and Minnie as children and grow up with these characters as we then introduce our … Read more

Indonesian LBT Women Exposed to Backlash

http://womensenews.org/story/lesbian-and-transgender/120820/indonesian-lbt-women-exposed-backlash   In Indonesia they are fighting for women’s rights, but LGBT rights are not considered to be part of those. In fact if LGBT rights are mentioned it brings backlash from the fundamentalists and weakens the advocacy for women. This is problematic because there is no one to speak up for the LGBT persons. … Read more