Indonesia Moving Backwards on Human Rights

In Indonesia, new penal-code revisions are going through Congress that will outlaw gay sex and extramarital sex. A country that was previously perceived as relatively tolerant as a country with the worlds largest Muslim-majority population and third largest democracy, has felt new pressure from religious conservatives to make this change. Some even went as far … Read more

Malaysia’s anti-gay camp violates law, says minister

This article from the BBC details a the Malaysian Women’s Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s response to a camp that claims to “un-gay” young Muslim boys.  She maintains that characterizing these supposedly effeminate teenage boys as gay or transsexual, and then attempting to “correct” their behavior will be detrimental to their mental and emotional health. Though this is the … Read more

Obama opposes Marriage Act

“Marriage Act can SUCK IT!!” read the text message I received from a very dear friend of mine. My question mark response was followed by a reference to NPR’s All Things Considered with Michele Norris and Robert Siegel. I quickly shared my friend’s excitement when I read that Obama had declared the defense of Marriage … Read more

Cure for Homosexuality!…apparently there’s a need for one…

Hey guys, As anyone who’s ever been in class with me knows, I’m pretty interested in the LGBT-Fundamentalist Christian clash. Consistent with that, I thought I’d share a page from an organization I found: “Christian Healing Ministries.” This site is dedicated to prayer-healing, which in my experience, is typical of the more fundamental branches of … Read more