Obama opposes Marriage Act

“Marriage Act can SUCK IT!!” read the text message I received from a very dear friend of mine. My question mark response was followed by a reference to NPR’s All Things Considered with Michele Norris and Robert Siegel. I quickly shared my friend’s excitement when I read that Obama had declared the defense of Marriage … Read more

Shift in Marriage Ideal Does Not Equal Shift from Traditional Gendered Ones

http://www.thedaily.com/page/2011/02/26/022611-opinions-column-parents-valenti-1-2/ Feminist author Jessica Valenti discusses how the American woman is still being subjected to a unequal division of labor in the home – after the birth of a child. She cites how in recent years, American couples are increasingly marrying for “love” as opposed to “traditional reasons” and may have egalitarian marriages, until they … Read more