Risk of assault at the border

Article: https://sites.ecu.edu/genderpoliticsculture/wp-admin/post-new.php Overview: Every year many migrants will attempt to cross the Mexico-American border coming from Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala etc. Many face the risk of sexual assault and rape because they are out numbered by men on the journey. Many take this journey because of fear of violence back home. Many women do … Read more

South African Gang Rape is Outrageous

This article is very depressing and reflective of many of the issues we have been discussing regarding the book, Half the Sky.  When I read this article I experienced a variety of emotions ranging from disgust, anger, sadness, and astonishment.  The references to elderly women being raped in their late 80’s and 90’s was almost … Read more

Invasion of the Vagina

This article does a great job underlining the ridicule in radical anti-choicers’ arguments. This article points out that radical pro-lifers are often more interested in the mistreatment (punishment) of the women undergoing an abortion than the welfare of children. The unequal treatment of men and women when it comes to anti-choicers’ arguments also reveals a … Read more