So what’s with the Shadow Pandemic?

As lock-down mandates began to take effect across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic another pandemic followed. The Shadow Pandemic refers to the increased reports of domestic abuses cases against women and children after the COVID-19 took the world by storm. The UN Women created the Shadow Pandemic Campaign on May 27th 2020 during … Read more

The Virility of Violence: The Problem of Hegemonic Masculinity in Schools

Sociological discussions within the last 10 to 15 years have begun to unpack root causes of violence within society. While it is clear that violence within all societies – even those of early establishment – has long existed and been contemplated, recent times have demonstrated an exponential growth in violence within the United State’s school … Read more

Street Harassment Plagues Women the World Over

This BBC article succinctly sums up the issue of street harassment, a type of harassment that can involve cat-calling, groping, lewd comments, verbal threats/coercion, and may escalate into violence.  Every woman I know, including yours truly, has endured frequent street harassment wherever we go, not only while here at East Carolina University.  Many men consider … Read more