SOCI 3000 (10/11/2021)

An article that caught my attention was “Army launches fusion directorate pilot designed to improve services for sexual assault victims: Six installations and the Army Reserve will participate in the year-long pilot” ( In this article it covers the planned redesigning of the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program (SHARP). This program prevents sexual harassment … Read more

Sexual Abuse/Torture in Women’s Prisons (Mexico)

Sexual abuse is threatening the lives of women every single day. Mexico has abused their power by using a institutional system (jail/prison) to sanction rape, sexual and physical harassment, sexual and physical abuse, and even torture. A investigation called the “Amnesty International Investigation” found that 3-quarters of women who have been imprisoned in Mexico experience … Read more

Blurred Lines

Early this year Robin Thicke, the singer who sings the controversial 2013 hit song “Blurred Lines” has recently come under fire for allegedly groping Emily Ratajkowis on the set of the music video. The American model and an advocate for women’s health issues had claimed in her new book that while on the set of … Read more

Missing White Woman Syndrome

“Missing White Woman Syndrome” is a term that was created by Gwen Ifill. This term was coined to describe the phenomenon of the media’s extensive (and obsessive) coverage of white, upper-middle-class women and girls who have gone missing. “Missing White Woman Syndrome” comes from white supremacist, patriarchal beliefs about feminism. Meaning that white, blonde, attractive, upper … Read more

Sexual Violence On Rise in Somalia

The article I chose is Somalia: Sexual Violence On The Rise. This article talks about the terrifying increase of sexual violence in Somalia. Somalia has reported cases of rape,  attempted rape, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. The violence is mostly caused by militias and Al-Shabaab. The article states that, “The number of cases … Read more