Sexual Assault In the Military

Many people know that sexual assault is something that goes on in the military and it is often covered up and “swept under the rug.” Many have heard about many different cases about sexual assault like Vanessa Guillen and the suspicious “suicide” of LaVena Johnson. In 2018, studies showed that women who were assaulted, 59% were … Read more

SOCI 3000 (9/19/2021)

An article that has grabbed my interest is “A Fashion Show With an Unexpected Focus: Sexual Assault Survivors” ( In this article it describes how an organization called Rise, designed to protect sexual assault survivors legally, hosted a fashion show at New York Fashion Week at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) to highlight survivors … Read more

Unfair patient bias against women in the medical field

It has long been known that the treatment of women in many STEM fields including medical has been less than stellar, but another issue that I see getting talked about less is how the underlying cultural bias against women effects them as patients too. Many women have testified that they have been misdiagnosed or brushed … Read more

Abusive Men in Hip-Hop

In class, we discussed cancel culture today and how many music artists who have allegations against them are able to continue their careers and not be held accountable. This article discusses men in hip-hop specifically and highlights a very important issue in the music industry and society in general. Why are abusive men in hip-hop … Read more

Women Violence Ignored by the Military

Dozens of women came out about sexual and violence claims against people who are in the military. But the military commanders have chose to ignore them. This is an ongoing investigation that has been going on for two years. More than 40 million women have reached out to the military leadership stating how they been … Read more

How Texas Abortion Laws put Women at Risk

Texas has recently put into place abortion laws that will ban abortions for women in most cases. In addition to this, women and anyone else involved will now be able to be reported by others if they are suspected to have performed an abortion. Once again men are making decisions about what women can and … Read more

#MeToo and “Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons”

Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons   In a 2017 post titled “Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons” the author, Gabrielle Bellot, explained that recent claims of sexual harassment from Harvey Weinstein that started the #MeToo movement are what inspired her to investigate sexual harassment in Hollywood. Upon hearing about these claims she was reminded … Read more