Bodycam footaged released Summary: A policeman stopped a group of guys and one of the men ran and tossed his gun the officer then shot him in the back twice. The reason i chose this article is because I just previously watched it on the news. The news woman talked about his past charges and what he … Read more

Perpetrator Wins House Primary

Source: Overview: Archie Parnell, a man running for Congress this year has a history that caught some attention last year when he almost won a special election that would’ve lead to him replacing Representative Mick Mulvaney in the state’s deep red Fifth District. Something that Mr. Parnell didn’t mention to some of his team upfront … Read more

Kicked Out Kiss   Summary:Two women say an Uber driver kicked them out of his car after he saw them kiss in the back seat. Do you think he was wrong? and do you feel like he show discrimination against the two women?

Aftermath of abuse: When is it okay to share another’s story?

This particular article posted in the Guest column by News24, is about the aftermath of abuse. The headline asks, “when is it okay to share another’s story?” This is an interesting article to read because we always try to encourage the victims of abuse to speak out, but we never concern ourselves about it being … Read more

Trump Houses Immigrant Children in “Tent Cities”   The article talks about immigrant children being kept on a Texas military base while they wait on their immigration status. These children are being kept here due to Trumps’ “Zero Tolerance” policy. What do you guys think about this situation?

Zimbabwe’s Women’s anti-poaching group

This is a short video from a report that BBC News did about an all women anti-poaching unit in Zimbabwe. There are quite a few articles that have been written about these ladies. Just a quick overview, there is a major problem with corruption amongst the men hired to protect animals in Zimbabwe against poaching, … Read more

Kate Spade, fashion designer, found dead in apparent suicide

Article : Most people have heard about the devastating news of fashion icon and highly successful entrepreneur committing suicide. Last Tuesday, Kate Spade was found by her housekeeper in her New York apartment. Kate Spade started her iconic handbag line in1993 and opened her first shop in New York City just 3 years later. CNN … Read more

Flight Attendant Termintated for Accusing Officer of Rape Opinion: This is whats wrong – woman fired for speaking up about getting raped. WHY?! To hush her up? To save the reputation of the airline? We are trying to make progress and move forward towards ending sexual assault and sexual violence. Why must people not comply? Who would condone their employee getting raped? … Read more

Former Disney Actress Reveals Sexual Abuse Opinion: This story really touches home because my younger sister grew up watching Bella Thorne on TV in our living room. I am glad that Bella Thorne stepped forward about what was happening to her. But it is truly so sad to hear about someone you watched on TV be sexually abused as a … Read more