US Supreme Court backs Colorado baker’s gay wedding cake snub   Personally, I feel that businesses, regardless of the goods or services provided, should be able to make decisions about whom to serve/service based on their own religious beliefs. I think that this couple chose to elevate this issue way beyond what was necessary, if you don’t like a business owner and their beliefs … Read more

Memphis Woman Charged   Woman in Memphis was charged today because a viral video was sent to the police. Not just any type of video. It was her letting a 2 black young kids out of the kennel in the back of her car. She said it was because it was no room in the car. From … Read more

Nearly 20 years after peace pact, Guatemala’s women relive violence According to this article submitted to CNN news by Julie Guinan, in 1996 there was an agreement that was reached between the insurgents and the government. But after that agreement came a terrorizing backlash of immunity and discrimination. Many of men in the military began to commit cruel and unusual crimes against these women and returned … Read more

Vulnerabilities That Lead to Sex Trade

Source: Overview: To prevent sex trade from happening we must first know what makes a woman or young girl vulnerable to it. To start off the article begins to talk about how childhood trauma plays a role in all of this, it explains how some children are unaware of how dangerous sex trade is because … Read more

Rupaul and President Donald Trump

Rupaul claims Trump touched him inappropriately in the 1990s This blog is about Rupaul accusing President Donald Trump of grabbing his genitals at party back in 1995. As you keep reading you will find a recorded conversation that trump had with someone. Tell me what you think and what would you do if he approached … Read more

Kate Spade’s Death At the young age of 55, Kate Spade, was found hanged in her bedroom of her apartment by her house keeper. The fashion designer was struggling with depression and anxiety and in a statement made by her husband “She was working closely with doctors to treat her issues.” This is just another wake up … Read more

#metoo   Women are now coming out about being involved with sexual assault or harassment.  Something most women have went through and are/were afraid to say anything about it. Getting people aware of the amount of women that have gone through this is overwhelming an somewhat surprising.