Are All Women in Power Positions Admirable?

“Gina Haspel’s dark past makes her a complicated figure for feminists to support.” – Emily Peck, HuffPost, 3/17/18 Emily Peck discusses Gina Haspel, nominated as head of the CIA by Trump, in her article on Huffington Post. According to Peck’s research, Haspel was the conductor for a torture/interrogation facility in Thailand. However, instead of taking … Read more

How One Girl and a Bicycle are Promoting Women’s Autonomy in Saudi Arabia

 Review of the film, Wadjda, by Haifaa al-Mansour Lizz Grimsley Ten-year old Saudi girl, Wadjda, is best friends with a boy, wears blue jeans and sneakers under her abaya, and longs for a bike. She is the subject of strikingly different kind of film about Saudi women, written and directed by Saudi Arabia’s first female … Read more

Let’s Have a Conversation about “No Homo”

NBC News reports on the relationship between violence and men. For my final project, I am focusing on the relationship between masculinity and violence. This piece produced by NBC news is very insightful in regards to that topic. They discuss briefly the ways in which society should become more self-aware of its gender practices in … Read more

Plateau in Growth of Women’s Participation in the Workforce

Since 1985, there has been a considerable stagnation in growth of women’s participation in the workforce in the US. Once a world leader in women working, the US is now one of the lowest ranking industrialized countries for the rate of women participation in labor. In 1985, 70% of women age 25-54 were working or … Read more

Substantive Post

The most renowned case surrounding sodomy laws is Lawrence v. Texas, but the road to that Supreme Court decision holds several other landmark cases. In 1976, the first suit to be brought to the Supreme Court regarding sodomy laws was Doe v. Commonwealth Attorney of Richmond. The Supreme Court upheld the state law due to … Read more

Substantive Post 5: Marginalization of Women in Andean Communities

For my substantive blog post this week, I dwell further into the background behind how marginalization began in Andean regions of Latin America. Daniel Gade (1992) discusses the positive and negative affects Spanish colonization had on Andean communities, one of which was social transformation. There is a possibility that the social transformation he discusses helped … Read more

Substantive Post #5

 Jaylen In this article by US news, Robert Parkinson explores more reasons why females fall victim to drug abuse versus males.  He cites research conducted at Columbia and Yale that indicate even though men make up the majority of substance abusers, there are several biological and cultural factors make women more susceptible to drugs.  These … Read more

Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Scrolling through Facebook this morning, I came across Jon Oliver’s most recent episode. In his monologue, he brought attention to crisis pregnancy centers in the US and how misleading they can be. I found it very interesting to learn more about these facilities and how little medical advice they actually give. What blows my mind … Read more

Soultana Raps for Change in Morocco

In our sociology class, we discussed feminist movements in North Africa. After the Arab Spring, the internet and social media became powerful mediums for feminists to speak out against injustices. In this video, Soultana, a rapper from Morocco, talks about her motivation for using rap to protest the mistreatment of women.

Navigating the Fairytale Wedding Culture

Do all brides dream of the Cinderella wedding? Most of the literature on weddings and heteronormativity speaks to the fact that traditional weddings are powerful influences that perpetuate the “heterosexual imaginary.”  However, especially among same-sex couples, it suggests openings for couples to resist the pressure to conform to conventional wedding traditions.  The authors of this … Read more