Weekly Post #1: Philippine Job Agencies Accused of Exploiting Women

It has been reported in a recent Guardian article that Philippine job agencies have cheated women out of money and pushed them into crippling debt. The individuals who have fallen victim to these actions are women applying for work overseas, commonly domestic workers. The agencies charged these women large illegal fees, such as medical fees and training fees, … Read more

“Mexico Making History: How the Nation Will Elect First Woman President” by Daisy Edmondson

Mexico, a country with a historically patriarchal social system, will likely elect a woman to office as president for the first time in the nation’s history when they hold elections next June. Though Mexico has typically been a multi-party system, including the Morena, the PAN (National Action Party), the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party), and the … Read more

Weekly post #1: Nepalese Domestic Workers: How Should Governments Respond to Exploitation/Abuse of Workers and Regulate Labor Standards?

In 2007, Nepal and UAE signed their first labor agreement. In 2017, a ban was imposed on Nepali domestic workers — who are mostly comprised of women. This ban was imposed to regulate labor standards and environments for domestic workers. However, this ban ended up creating a large economic barrier for domestic workers, leading many … Read more

“Pregnant Refugees Deserted in Libyan Desert” by Daisy Edmondson

Tunisian officials have allegedly driven and left more than 1,300 migrants to Tunisia (from Cameroon, Sudan, and other African countries) in the Libyan desert without food or water over the past few years, though it is not known for certain how long these “deportations” have been happening. The migrants in the most recent reported incident … Read more

Domestic workers in the UAE: new protections?

Dr. Rhacel Salazar Parrenas describes the lives of Filipino women who are domestic workers in the United Arab Emirates based on her ethnographic interviews and observations. They are cleaning, cooking, caring for children, and keeping households running, for their employers, who may be UAE citizens or foreign-born people employed in the UAE. We learn their … Read more

OP-ED Sexual Abuse in churches

There have many victims that have come forward to say that they’ve been sexually abused by a pastor or even a member from their church. It is common for a lot of people to think that a church would be the last place for someone to be sexually assaulted at, or even a safe space … Read more

Op-Ed Piece: Microagressions—>Macro Consequences

This Op-Ed will focus on sexuality based violence and discrimination against asexual individuals by both those within the LGBTQ+ Community and those outside of it, stemming from the problem of microagressions as the building blocks of further hate crimes, prejudice, and discrimination as demonstrated by GALOP’s Acephobia and Anti-Asexual Hate Crimes section. As an openly … Read more

Op-Ed:Human Trafficking In North Carolina

As North Carolina residents we all want to see our state and community at its best and the same sentiment goes for me as well. I’ve lived within North Carolina for nearly my entire life and while I’m by no means the kind of person to pay attention to many state affairs I was without … Read more