Some Academic Calendar Notes

Spring 2022 8-week Block 2 classes begin today, Monday, Feb. 28. The last day to make schedule changes (adding or dropping courses) for this 8-week Block is Wednesday, March 22, at 5:00 pm.

MORE: Registration for Summer Sessions and Fall Semester 2022 begins on March 28. Start reviewing your Degree Works record!

Drs. Park & Baumgartner Win Best Faculty Paper Award for the North Carolina Political Science Association 2021 Meeting

Dr. Baekwan Park and Dr. Jody Baumgartner have been awarded the Oral Parks Memorial Best Faculty Paper Award for the 2021 North Carolina Political Science Association meeting, for their paper titled “The ‘Veepstakes,’ Social Science Style: A Statistical Model of Vice Presidential Selection In The Modern Era.”

Abstract: Using discrete choice analysis, this paper examines the 24 contested major party  vice presidential nominations from 1960 through 2020. The model factors in numerous demographic and political characteristics of the individuals on the presidential nominees’ short lists, including various measures of presidential ticket “balance.” The model identifies exposure in the national media, having served in national political office and bringing either gender or racial/ethnic diversity to the ticket are identified as positive factors in the selection of a presidential running mate, in addition to being younger and not having been a rival for the presidential nomination. Following this the analysis uses predicted probabilities to generate a post hoc forecast of the eventual vice presidential selection from the short list of potential candidates, correctly predicting 18 (75%). In the end the analysis represents a more scientific way than traditional journalistic guesswork to think about the veepstakes.

(The paper has since been published in Presidential Studies Quarterly). 

Virtual State of The Union Watch Party

Political Science Faculty Friends: Pirates Vote will be hosting a virtual State of the Union Watch Party next Tuesday March 1, 2022 at 8:45 PM on Teams. We will have some live polls and discussion going on in the chat and we will also take attendance (if you would like to provide extra credit). More details through the link below.

Alex R. Dennis, MS | Assistant Director
Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement  | 252-737-4988 |

New Publication from Dr. Xu!

Dr. Daniel Xu was invited as one of the several coauthors with international experiences and perspectives to contribute to a book on public emergency management strategies and governance for the COVID pandemic in selected OECD countries. The director of Chinese CDC wrote a preface for the book and the leading public health experts of China are listed on the book’s advisory board.

Dr. Xu submitted the manuscript in English, but in light of the targeted readership, in the end the editors decided to publish only the full text in Chinese with English abstracts.

ECU Spring 2nd block course offerings: Classes begin February 28th!

  • Chemistry 1120 Introduction to Chemistry for Allied Health Sciences- meets online asynchronously (natural science requirement)
  • Classical Studies 1500 Classical Mythology CRN 36889 -meets online asynchronously (humanities & global diversity requirement)
  • Geology 1550 Oceanography CRN 36890 – meets online asynchronously (natural science requirement)
  • History 1030 World Civilizations to 1500 CRN 36883 – meets online asynchronously (humanities & global diversity requirement)
  • History 2700 History of Piracy CRN 35467 – meets online asynchronously
  • Math 1065 College Algebra CRN 36518  – meets online asynchronously (math requirement)
  • Philosophy 1175 Introduction to Ethics CRN 36444 – meets online asynchronously (humanities and domestic diversity requirement)
  • Political Science 1010 National Government CRN 36882 – meets online asynchronously (social science requirement)
  • Political Science 3260 Middle Eastern Political Systems CRN 36881 – meets online asynchronously (social science requirement)
  • Religious Studies 2696 Introduction to the New Testament CRN 36517 – meets online asynchronously (humanities & global diversity requirement)

If you are interested in adding any of these courses, please do the following:

  • Make sure you do not have a time conflict by adding the course
    Make sure you will not go over 18 hours (18 hours is maximum)
  • If you are in academic difficulty (below 2.0 GPA), adding a 2nd block course may not be advised. Consult advisor for guidance.
  • Reach out to your advisor for assistance. Students can not add the course on their own. Advisor or Registrar’s Office must do it for you.

Spring 2022: 2nd 8-Week Block Classes

Spring 2022: 2nd 8-Week Block Classes start on Monday, Feb. 28.

Please remember, students are not able to register for these classes by themselves. They must contact their adviser, providing their name, Banner ID, and the CRN of the course they wish to register for. Advisers will then forward that information to the registrar.

As usual, if you have any questions, please contact your adviser.

Spring 2022 “Dinner and Discourse” Series from the ECU Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement

Dinner & Discourse is a monthly civility program that brings students, faculty/staff, and community members around the dinner table to have a meal and discuss current events/topics. Topics are released on Engage one week prior to each session. Guidelines for civility are followed and enforced, with media clips on YouTube helping to drive the conversation!  More info here:

Or, contact Alex Dennis, Assistant Director, Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement (

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