Hanna Samir Kassab

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Political ScienceThomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Phone: 252-737-5585 Email: kassabh18@ecu.edu Website: https://securitystudies.ecu.edu/about-us/dr-hanna-kassab/ Areas of expertise: International relations, international security, international economy, terrorism, organized crime, war

Austin S. Matthews

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Political ScienceThomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Phone: 252-328-2292 Email: matthewsa22@ecu.edu Website: https://politicalscience.ecu.edu/about/faculty-staff/matthews/ Areas of expertise: Dictatorships, military coups, revolutions, state repression, Russia and Eastern Europe

Shahnaz Aziz

Associate Professor Department of Psychology Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Phone: 252-328-1379 Email: azizs@ecu.edu Website: https://psychology.ecu.edu/people/aziz/ Areas of expertise: workaholism

Misun Hur

Associate Professor and Director Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Phone: 252-328-1270 Email: hurmi@ecu.edu Website: https://planning.ecu.edu/misun-hur/ Areas of expertise: community-engaged participatory research, research methods in social relations, environment and behavior, community development, social equity, farmworkers in eastern North Carolina, access to services, quality of life, housing, planning technology with … Read more

Mary Nyangweso

Professor Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Phone: 252-737-2422 Email: wangilam@ecu.edu Website: https://religionprogram.ecu.edu/dr-mary-nyangweso/ Areas of expertise: Religion and gender, theory and methods in religious studies, world religions, classical Islam, interfaith engagement, religion and sexuality, African religions