“Jenna” Seung Hyun Lee

Associate Professor School of Hospitality Leadership College of Business Email: leese14@ecu.edu Website: https://business.ecu.edu/faculty/leese/ Areas of Expertise: discounting, decision-making, revenue management, value perception, lodging operation, social media, hospitality education

Erika Johnson

Assistant Professor School of Communication College of Fine Arts & Communication Phone: 314-402-3050 Email: johnsoner17@ecu.edu Website: https://communication.ecu.edu/faculty-staff/erika-johnson/ Areas of expertise: Social media; entertainment media; health communication; influence and persuasion in health contexts; media effects; health communication with and among women; information processing; strategic communication; entertainment and social media source effects; experimental design.

John Drake

Associate Professor Department of Management Information Systems College of Business Phone: 252-737-4566 Email: drakejo@ecu.edu Website: http://professordrake.com Areas of expertise: internet, web development, web applications, e-commerce, business ethics, privacy issues, social media, online education