Federal Plan for addressing sex trafficking in the US

The title of the report is: Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States 2013-2017. Although it is somewhat lengthy to read, it is worth at least skimming through. Most of our class readings and discussions focus on events in other countries. I believe it is important to keep … Read more

FGM banned in Nigeria

This is a short, online article celebrating the banning of female circumcision, also often referred to as female genital mutilation. The bill, The Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act 2015, was signed by Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan and passed by the Nigerian senate May of this year. This article points out the negative effects of the practice, … Read more

Marines confronting Afghan police abuse of boys

This just came out in the New York Times today. It has some quite disturbing reports in it about Afghan police practicing “pederasty,” or the practice of men having sex with boys. American marines who noticed this, particularly the use of boys as sex slaves, including chaining them to beds, ran into trouble when they … Read more

Working towards ending FGM

http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=50015&Kw1=Genital+Mutilation&Kw2=Women&Kw3=#.VfDCr_lViko February 6 of each year is “The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.” This article highlights efforts of the UN in educating communities about the myths and negative outcomes of this procedure still common in several African and Middle Easter countries in both Muslim and Christian communities. FGM has many serious … Read more

The “He for She” Initiative

Elizabeth Nyamayaro is a political scientist dedicated to improving conditions for women around the world. Currently, she is the Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary-General and Executive Director for UN Women. Additionally, she is the head of the UN Women’s HeForShe campaign. In this TED talk, Ms. Nyamayaro talks about her childhood experiences growing up … Read more

Jimmy Carter speaks about the mistreatment of women being a human rights issue

Former US President, Jimmy Carter has long been an advocate and proactive in the equal treatment of women around the world. In this recent TED talk, he provides three main reasons for why he believes “the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights issue.” The reasons he cites are: 1) the misinterpretation of scriptures … Read more

Courtney Williams: post on the arrest of Chicago Bears player Ray McDonald

http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Ray-McDonald-Arrested-Domestic-Violence-SJPD-Sources-304911011.html   The article I chose was about the arrest of Chicago Bears player Ray McDonald. In the article the arrest of McDonald for domestic violence is talked about. McDonald, who was released from the 49ers in December for another case of domestic violence, was just picked up not to long ago by the Bears … Read more

Rape cultures on campus

College Policies Support Rape Cultures Take a look at this article, reflecting on an experience from the 1970s: How does her personal experience illuminate the many ways that rape culture may be tolerated or perpetuated on campus? See this point for an illustration of the point I made in our first lecture on taking a … Read more

No One Wants to Call Husband a Rapist

 By Regina Dooley  How would you feel if your best friend or sister told you that her husband raped her?  You would probably be outraged.  You would certainly encourage her to contact the police and you would definitely insist that she divorce her abusive spouse.  Do you think you would feel differently if your husband … Read more

Beauty and the Beast

  By Antionque Penny                 A lawyer was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, “You’re beautiful!” and then he fell asleep again. His wife had never heard him say that so she stayed by his side. A couple of … Read more