Man as the “default” human

See this example in the link below. We often discuss this in our gender classes — the continued reference to humans or people if they are male, and identification of their gender if they are female. Just review a few news articles and you can notice this. How does this affect us all psychologically? It … Read more

Mortenson Debate

Not sure if anyone read in Today’s Greenville Paper (The Daily Reporter) but Nick Kristof wrote a commentary on the debate surrounding Greg Mortenson and his books and successes in Afghanistan. Everyone should check it out! I also found it on the NY Times website: I know this is one of our final questions for … Read more

A Broader Way

My favorite Broadway performer, Idina Menzel,  has created a summer camp for underprivileged females in the New York area.  This camp will give them an opportunity that they normally would not have, to perform and learn about musical theater.  The camp sounds awesome and a wonderful chance for some lucky young women.  Here is the … Read more

“It’s What I Do: – Why She Will Cover War Again”

This New York Times piece is an interview with photojournalist Lynsey Addario, who was held captive in Libya in March 2011.  Since her capture and subsequent release, there have been those who argue that she should not have been in Libya working in the first place because of her gender.  This interview is in Addario’s … Read more

Colleges, Universities Told to Do More to Prevent Sexual Assaults

The issue of sexual assault on college campuses has come to the forefront recently, as Vice President Joe Biden took to the airwaves to discuss the issue last week.  As many who are involved in this blog know, my research is dedicated to this topic – so of course I find it heartening to see … Read more

Humanitarian Organizations Must Involve Refugee Women in Planning Reproductive Health Programs

–Rachel Girmus In 2009, the UN Refugee Agency reported that 21.8 million worldwide are “persons of concern;” these include refugees, internally displaced persons, and stateless persons, spread over 140 countries. Of these, 80% are women and children who fled their home countries due to conflict and human rights violations. Women are disproportionately affected by every … Read more

Street Harassment Plagues Women the World Over

This BBC article succinctly sums up the issue of street harassment, a type of harassment that can involve cat-calling, groping, lewd comments, verbal threats/coercion, and may escalate into violence.  Every woman I know, including yours truly, has endured frequent street harassment wherever we go, not only while here at East Carolina University.  Many men consider … Read more

Invasion of the Vagina

This article does a great job underlining the ridicule in radical anti-choicers’ arguments. This article points out that radical pro-lifers are often more interested in the mistreatment (punishment) of the women undergoing an abortion than the welfare of children. The unequal treatment of men and women when it comes to anti-choicers’ arguments also reveals a … Read more

Maternal Health in the World

Aljazeera has created a special series about maternal health in the world.  The website has videos with detailed stories about maternal health issues around the world.  It has detailed facts about the social problem.  The social facts state that maternal morality is the greatest health disparity in the world.  99% of maternal morality happens in … Read more