Op-ed: Protesting India’s Inadequate Rape Laws

Savannah Bynum The fundamental issues in India can be found in their outdated laws pertaining to what constitutes rape. Rape in India is defined as “penile penetration into the vagina,” which entails that only a man can be the perpetrator and only a woman can be the victim. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, with … Read more

What is Female Genital Mutilation and How Do We Stop It?

By Giuliana Davis             Let’s examine the average 12-year-old girl. Having just starting understanding how men will a play a role in her life, she spends her time day dreaming over the boy she met in school. She enjoys playing with her friends, and experimenting with makeup. She shouldn’t have a care in the world, … Read more

Veganism does not mean cruelty free

https://www.providr.com/vegan-cruelty-free/ I found these article which I found to be pretty interesting. The article talks about the misconception that being vegan means that you are living cruelty-free. The author explains how even though vegans are not consuming animal product the foods that they are consuming comes from overworked workers which means that there is a … Read more

Singing to Freedom: Op-Ed 2

Singing to Freedom “I like to sing and write songs and poems and dance (badly). I also like to talk about things that are uncomfortable, because they are usually important.” – Mary Lambert from marylambertsings.com On March 19, 2018, East Carolina University students and faculty members were fortunate enough to witness bold, beautiful, and talented … Read more

“Inspiring Women”: Mattel’s Release of New Barbies

Mattel has announce the release of three new Barbies available for purchase as a part of their series “Inspiring Women.” These new dolls are created to look like Amelia Earhart, Frida Kahlo, and Katherine Johnson. The anticipated release of these dolls is beneficial because it continues to recognize the accomplishments of women as well as … Read more

Changes In Hair

I saw this post while scrolling through Facebook and it made me think about the times that I’ve done anything significant to my hair and also how much truth there was to this picture. I started to look at person blog post about females cutting their hairs or doing anything drastic to their hair like … Read more

For the Greater Good: Abolishing Internal Sexism in the Battle Against FGM

A Brief Foreword Before engaging in this conversation, we must first understand that the terminology surrounding the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has traditionally presented challenges for those engaging in its discourse. Debates have been hosted in an effort to determine the legitimacy of the term “mutilation” in comparison to the term “circumcision.” It … Read more

Firsthand Experience with MeToo

As someone who is considered a leader in the community, I encountered a woman who shared with me that she had been touched inappropriately by a well respected local professional. This took place in a clinical practice, where she works as a para professional. She was prepping this man as a patient for an annual … Read more

Anti-Lynching Memorial to Open: What would Ida B. Wells Barnett say?

This new memorial will open in Montgomery Alabama this year, and it has some unusual aspects to it: https://eji.org/national-lynching-memorial We have studied Ida B. Wells Barnett’s campaign to end lynching and the stark descriptions of those cases. I wonder how she would respond. And in case you didn’t know, in 2005, the U.S. Congress did … Read more