Women’s Shelters under Attack in Afghanistan

Women’s shelters in Afghanistan are run by foreign and Afghan charities, but the government is planning to take control of them.  When the government takes control of them women will be required to have medical examinations monthly, they will have to wear headscarfs at all times, they cannot leave the grounds of the safe house … Read more

New “Gay Anthem”

Hey guys and girls, Apparently, there’s a song out by Lady Gaga that constitutes a new “gay anthem.”  The song’s called “Born This Way,” and seems to be in support of GLBT issues in a more direct way the”I Am Beautiful” of Christina Aguilera fame.  Most interesting about this to me is that, if I’m … Read more

Italian Prime Minister’s Sex Scandal

A movement against the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy has been created, because he is being accused of paying for sex with an underage girl.  Protests have developed in 60 towns and cities worldwide.  The protests have been mainly women but also men have showed up in support.  The movement views the Prime Ministers … Read more

Skinny Pepsi offends?!

Can a slender can of Pepsi offend people?  Probably not.  Most likely what will offend people is the timing of its introduction–fashion week, and the beautiful women draped around it, who encourage standards of beauty, height, and slenderness that many women feel they will never achieve.  It just depends how we measure beauty.  For a … Read more

Is Being White Better

All racist overtones and issues of civic equality aside, the question begs to be asked, “Is being whiter better?” In all seriousness, there has been (and still is today) a sometimes not so subtle emphasis placed on being white throughout history, and spanning across cultures, especially in regard to feminine beauty. First, let’s look at … Read more

The Socialization of Girls in the US

  Hey everyone, since we discussed this show in class, Toddlers and Tiaras, I thought it would be a good idea to let others see what this show is all about. This link is a great example for the socialization of girls in the US.  The name of this show is Toddlers and Tiaras. Watch how the mothers encourage certain … Read more

From Feministing, a New Report Details Injustices Against Transgendered Individuals in the US

A new distressing report from the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force details the physical, mental and emotional repercussions transgendered individuals face due to their “othered” status in the United States today.  One of the most alarming statistics shows that the rate of suicide attemps among transgendered individuals … Read more

The History Chicks

Hello everyone, I found a fun podcast on iTunes called The History Chicks.  It’s a series run by two women discussing various female historical figures, and from what I gathered so far it seems to try to portray them in a more objective light (or at least to shed some light on them). There’s only … Read more

Women taking on a traditional men’s role among the Lakota

http://indiancountrynews.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=3273&Itemid=72 This article discusses a group of women who started a drum society in order to help heal women. Drumming is traditionally a male-dominated role which has led to controversy among the Native Americans in the area. Because of taking on a traditional men’s role, these women have been ostracized and even banished from some … Read more