Title IX should be an effective tool in the fight against school violence

http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/readers-opinion/guest-commentary/article211824529.html   I know that piece is almost like an advertisement requesting support of Title IX, but I feel as though it hits on an interesting point: the importance of addressing violence against women at an early age. As I have expressed before, my thoughts on the need of society to reevaluate how children are … Read more

Op-Ed Intimate Partner Violence in China

Diamond Ragin As reported by Emily Ruahala, Chinese woman Li Hongxia, age 23, was brutally strangled to death in a hospital by her husband after years of enduring physical abuse. Her own family members discouraged her from seeking a divorce despite knowing about the abuse because they believed it would give her a bad reputation … Read more

Abuse & Divorce

Hey everyone! So this popped up on my Facebook timeline yesterday. I was shocked. Since we have recently been discussing the roles between men and women in our class, I thought I’d share this example for certain (hopefully unpopular) opinions in American culture. To recap (and for those not in our class), we recently read … Read more

The Intersections of Race and Gender in Help-Seeking Strategies among a Battered Sample of Low-Income African American Women

By C. White on October 28, 2015 Nationwide research found that African Americans experience intimate partner violence (IPV) more than other ethnic groups and many victims avoid seeking help, due to the intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, and class. An effect of IPV is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTDS) and this particular study by Anyikwa looked … Read more

Domestic Violence in the African American Community

By C. White on October 23, 2015 African Americans are disproportionally affected by intimate partner violence (IPV) from current or former romantic partners. In one study, African American males self-reported violent acts against their women at significantly higher rates and severity (113 per 1,000) than the rate and magnitude of violence of self-reported by White … Read more

7 Truths about Domestic Violence You’ll Never Learn from Watching a TMZ Video

By Zak Cheney-Rice September 09, 2014 http://mic.com/articles/98324/7-devastating-realities-facing-black-domestic-violence-victims-in-america Article view by C. White National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reported that 75% of domestic violence are never documented. Domestic violence against Black women tend to by secretive and the abusers hardly receive legal punishment for their actions. Leaving violent relationships is very dangerous because some abusers … Read more

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Thomas Hennessey https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/09/30/presidential-proclamation-national-domestic-violence-awareness-month http://www.ncdoj.gov/getdoc/43e3cd15-65fb-409a-a71d-726f3dc92bf8/2013-Report-on-Domestic-Violence-Related-Homicides.aspx I am going to both apologize and warn you in advance that this post is not a news article exactly. As some of you may know October is Domestic Violence awareness month in the United States. This awareness month came from a day of solidarity in the early 1980’s, in 1989 … Read more