Invasion of the Vagina

This article does a great job underlining the ridicule in radical anti-choicers’ arguments. This article points out that radical pro-lifers are often more interested in the mistreatment (punishment) of the women undergoing an abortion than the welfare of children. The unequal treatment of men and women when it comes to anti-choicers’ arguments also reveals a … Read more

(a must read) Equality for Women A Distant Goal in the World

This is a must read. We’ve been reading a lot about the Gender inequalities taking place around the world. This piece touches on this struggle by taking us a step deeper into the conflict; steps toward resolution. Women and men are taking to the streets all over the world to promote awareness. My only criticism … Read more

Interesting Perspectives from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

According to today’s digital version of The Telegraph newspaper in Great Britain, British doctors and gynecologists are being urged to by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to warn pregnant women of the potential complications and risks of pregnancy, and frankly discussing the relative safety of abortion. This is an interesting development in women’s … Read more

The Roles of Women in Nigerian Political Campaigns

In Nigeria women are usually the strongest political supporters during campaigns, but when women try to run for a political office they do not gain support.  When women decide to run for political positions they are viewed as less feminine, because political positions in Nigeria are a man’s domain.  Ms. Saraki is running for political … Read more

Focus Placed on Education as UN Women’s Commission Begins Annual Session

The UN Commission on the Status of Women’s  annual session kicked off today with opening remarks that address the necessity of educating women and girls as a tool of economic and personal empowerment. This is a recurrent theme throughout the literature regarding women’s issues worldwide, and I look forward to seeing what progress is made … Read more

(in case you missed it) CBS News’ Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt

Although this happened 5 days ago, some of you would perhaps like to read the statement CBS posted regarding the attack on Lara Logan. What happened to her is extremely unfortunate to say the least. I find it very encouraging that she was rescued by a group of women, in addition to the 20 some … Read more

Email from Planned Parenthood on upcoming House Vote

This is an email from Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She announces once again that the House is voting to end Title X funding and cut off women from “their only source of primary care.” She goes on to explain how this act would impact millions of women, and leave them … Read more