The Kiss that Overshadowed Spanish Women’s Soccer History

Women’s soccer is a passion of mine and while USA is my team, even I had to admit that at this year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup Spain was a dominant force. Their team was among the best, if not the best, that I had watched in my time as a fan. I spent the cup … Read more

Op-Ed Piece: Microagressions—>Macro Consequences

This Op-Ed will focus on sexuality based violence and discrimination against asexual individuals by both those within the LGBTQ+ Community and those outside of it, stemming from the problem of microagressions as the building blocks of further hate crimes, prejudice, and discrimination as demonstrated by GALOP’s Acephobia and Anti-Asexual Hate Crimes section. As an openly … Read more

Sexual violence and Men: Why is it so unheard of?

In the reading “Sexual Violence Against Men and Women In War: A Masculinities Approach” by Valorie K. Vojdik, I was very fascinated with page 932 which discuses the fact that homosexuality is a crime in 70 states (at the time written, 69 as of 2021), which in turn makes men less likely to report accounts … Read more

#MeToo and “Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons”

Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons   In a 2017 post titled “Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons” the author, Gabrielle Bellot, explained that recent claims of sexual harassment from Harvey Weinstein that started the #MeToo movement are what inspired her to investigate sexual harassment in Hollywood. Upon hearing about these claims she was reminded … Read more

Time’s Up for Time’s Up?

Time’s Up is an awareness, action, and advocacy group originally founded by over 300 women in 2017 (founding members linked here: dedicated to fighting sexual harassment and related abuses of power in the entertainment industry. In 2018, they launched the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, under the National Women’s Law Center (linked here: … Read more

Blog Post #1 (9/13/21)

For my first blog post assignment, I wanted to incorporate the #MeToo movement that has been ever so prevalent in our class over the past couple of weeks. The article that I chose was published by The Washington Post and is called “#Metoo raised awareness about sexual misconduct. Has it curbed bad behavior?” The author … Read more

Greek Life & Sexual Assault   For my article of choice, I wanted to tackle the ever growing opinion of sexual assaults’ on campus by Greek life. Cady outlines their article by stating “there are over 1,500 sororities and fraternities in the nation” and follows this by juxtaposing the “sunny disposition” they are often granted with. When Cady provides … Read more

Seuxal Harrasment in the Workplace

I think sexual harrasment is a huge topic today. Im honestly glad that social media is an outlet where people can talk about things and bring problems to the surface. Most of the offenses occur when the male has the dominance or the power over the other individual. Its less likely that a women will … Read more

The struggles of a “Ko-reer” Woman: Understanding Sexual Harassment Cross-Culturally

By Tiger Hobday   The sun scorches on a hot Saturday in downtown Seoul, South Korea. The streets of the Western town located in the city are filled with the hustle-and-bustle of Korean citizens, international tourists, expats and the usual young American soldiers. On the second floor of one of the buildings on the main … Read more