Greek Life & Sexual Assault   For my article of choice, I wanted to tackle the ever growing opinion of sexual assaults’ on campus by Greek life. Cady outlines their article by stating “there are over 1,500 sororities and fraternities in the nation” and follows this by juxtaposing the “sunny disposition” they are often granted with. When Cady provides … Read more

Afghan Women Beaten For Speaking Out

Recently the Taliban has announced their interim cabinet of ministers, whose role is to help decision making and governing. When making these selections we would like to think that the population and group that’s being governed as a whole, would be represented unbiasedly and according. Unfortunately, this is not the case for citizens under their … Read more

Empowering Super Bowl Show or not?

Last night’s half-time show for the Super Bowl featured two Latina stars:  Shakira and Jennifer Lopez. It was high energy with incredible dance routines and complex choreography. Both artists said they wanted the show to be empowering to women. But was it? While these two are undoubtedly talented artists with a lot of star power, … Read more


As we all know it is pride month, I saw on twitter that a jury is going to sentence a man to death because of him being gay. They said that the jury was homophobic and gave him the death sentence. One of the juror members stated how the others knew that Rhine’s was homosexual … Read more

Doctor banned from working for her insensitive actions

A man was suffering from a severe anxiety attack, in which he needed narcotics to help alleviate the attack. The doctor presumed to curse and mock at his condition without caring for his wants and needs. He was in extreme pain and had trouble getting up an breathing. He asked his father to capture her … Read more

Man Sentenced to Death Possibly Because He’s Gay And The Justice’s Could Care Less

Source: Overview: Charles Rhines, a man that is a part of the LGBTQ community was sentenced to death row because of the fact that he’s gay. When sent to trial because of a crime he had committed all the jury mentioned was the fact that he’s gay and when talking about it they made their feelings of disgust … Read more

Gender Equality