Law and Order SVU: Downloaded Child

The newest episode of SVU really touched my heart. The story begins with a child screaming for help, as she had gotten tangled up in her butterfly costume on the third floor balcony, and was very close to falling to her death. Rollins and Benson rescue the child and interview the mother, who was under … Read more

My Milk or My Job?

  I never truly understand why people take a very natural thing out of content. I though we live in a nation where it was okay to be a mother.  In recent news a woman was forced to resign from her job due to the fact that she was breastfeeding. Then on top of that … Read more

I “just” wanted to point this out…

As students — many of whom will be scouring the job market for opportunities in the near future — we are often preoccupied with the written and spoken language that we use; not solely for the numerous research papers, essays and presentations we are responsible for producing over the course of our educational careers, but … Read more

EveryWoman: Women and Water The link above exposes the issue women across the world suffer. Water shortages in third world countries affects women the most because they are the one’s who travel and suffer from the consequences of not obtaining water. After watching this video, I wanted to share this on our blog. I got this from my feminist … Read more

Purity Balls: Turning Little Girls into Real-life Cinderellas

Many little girls dream of wearing beautiful white dresses, going to a ball, and being able to feel like princesses. This dream usually comes true later in the form of their wedding, but recently some girls have been able to have this experience a bit earlier. If you’ve never heard of a purity ball before, … Read more

EveryWoman: Sexual Harassment in Egypt After watching this video it is clear that Egypt is suffering from a surge in liberal shifts from the traditional muslim ideals to a more westernized concept of life. In this particular video EveryWoman tackles the issue of sexual harassment as a result of social pressures for men to marry and gain status. But … Read more

Australian Snickers Ad

Here is the link to a new Australian Snickers ad, in which construction workers, instead of cat-calling at women, yell empowering statements at them, what do you think? Okay, so I this ad is is great, it made me feel good to watch it, it has a great message, etc.  But the whole Snickers … Read more

Best Tampon Commercial Ever

A commercial for Hello Flo, a home delivery service that provides essentials for your period, may possibly be the best tampon commercial ever. From the moment that the young woman says “the red badge of courage”, the audience is captivated. As a matter of fact, it is not hard at all to understand why such … Read more

Greek Life and Date Rape

I was blog surfing last night and stumbled across a young lady’s “Violence Against Women” page. This blogger conducted her own study on the relationship between Greek Life and the use of date rape drugs on campus. To read the entire study, cut-copy-and paste the link below in your browser Do you feel that there … Read more