The Kiss that Overshadowed Spanish Women’s Soccer History

Women’s soccer is a passion of mine and while USA is my team, even I had to admit that at this year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup Spain was a dominant force. Their team was among the best, if not the best, that I had watched in my time as a fan. I spent the cup … Read more

Op- Ed : Culture of Silence: Why Minority Victims of Sex Abuse Don’t Report

Why Minority Victims of Sex Abuse Don’t Report Nashara Turrentine   As a black woman, I grew up in a household that values and cherishes family and holds the family name to a high standard. Things that bring the family shame were never to be discussed with the public or with friends, and anything that … Read more

OP-ED Black Women and Indigenous Women: Intimate Partner Violence Highlighted   Black and Indigenous women are the most prone to getting sexually assaulted compared to white women. This was one of the facts in the article below entitled “Intimate Partner Violence in the Black Community”. Even though this article specifically talks about black women in dangerous homes with their significant others, they do speak … Read more

The Sandra Bland Story: Expanding on Black Femicide As of recently, Breonna Taylor is one of the many women, black women, that have been wrongfully murdered in the spread of police brutality. They are all taunting stories to hear about these black women dying in vain because they may “match the description” of someone that they are looking for. One woman that … Read more

Blog Post on “Prosecutors recommend probation for Breonna Taylor’s ex-boyfriend”

This article is about how prosecutors are recommending 8 years of probation for Jamarcus Glover, the ex-boyfriend of Breonna Taylor, upon him pleading guilty. Also, Glover’s items that were confiscated by police must remain in police care and he can move out of state as covered in the plea deal. Glover and his partner, Adrian … Read more

A Sociogenic Epidemic

Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological tic disorder characterized by unwanted involuntary motor movements and/or repetitive speech patterns. The rise of Tik Tok over the pandemic saw numerous subgroups of individuals and advocates group together to form various niche communities on the social networking app. One such disability advocacy community being the Tourette’s Community, fighting stigma … Read more

Protesters want investigation into Loudoun judge who jailed domestic violence victim A judge, during testimony in a domestic violence case, sentenced the alleged victim of the domestic violence to 10 days in jail for smoking marijuana the morning of the trial, which was held in the afternoon. Last name Orndoff, was testifying against her current boyfriend on domestic abuse charges when the judge interrupted and … Read more

The Shadow Pandemic of Addiction

We’ve heard the term “shadow pandemic” apply to many co-occurring ongoing adverse events during the COVID-19 pandemic since lockdown began in winter/spring of 2020. This term has been applied to rising rates of domestic violence, depression, suicide (especially in young teen girls), anxiety, insomnia, and other mental health issues, and the silent killer of addiction. During … Read more

One year of lockdown: Women reveal uniquely devastating ways pandemic has ravaged their lives

Link: This article talks about the issues that women dealt with during, and right after of, the pandemic. I think it sad to see that one of the main things brought up was unplanned pregnancies and a large increase in domestic abuse. It also talks about how women were more likely to lose their jobs … Read more