Marriage Traditions and Cultural Relevance…

 In the article below author, Lochana Sharma, describes the cultural practices of several villages in the Western Region of Nepal near the Tibetan border.  The men literally steal or abduct their wives which brings the men a sense of honor and pride.  This article brings up the notion of cultural relevance.  When should you intervene on … Read more

Violence Against Women Act 2013

The senate today passed the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act. All of the women senators voted in favor, as did all of the democrats and not surprisingly those who were opposed were republican men. Some very important changes were that Native American women, GLBT women, and immigrant women were all included. I am … Read more

YouTube Star’s Video Ignites ‘Slut-Shaming’ Reaction

Maggie Frelang’s article YouTube Star’s Video Ignites ‘Slut-Shaming’ Reaction , discusses how Youtube star Jenna Marbles’ (aka Jenna Mourey) recent video, “Things I Don’t Understand About Girls Part 2: Slut Edition”  has resulted in a backlash from viewers for slut-shaming other girls. Frelang reports that in the video  Jenna discusses how she feels that while it is … Read more

Mona el-Tahawy on Lack of Women’s Progress and the Firestorm that followed

Here is an article that appeared in Foreign Policy, which sent Twitter, FB, and all forms of social media buzzing:,0 discussing “the real war on women.” For an example of a response, see

Kansas bill heats debate over rights of Mothers to be

What happens if the ultrasound technician see something wrong and decides NOT to tell you:  As someone who has felt that nervous glide of the ultrasound many times–wondering if all was OK, I understand the ramifications of this bill.

Engaging Men!

I realize that most of you won’t be able to read what is on this site, but take a look: This organization is dedicated to “working with men and young women for the sake of taking up the cause of violence against women.”