“Striking Back Against Breast Cancer: One Coin at a Time”

Speaking of women empowerment, I ran across this article and felt I should share. I’m not sure if any of the movements we’ve discussed influenced this or not, but I thought it was a beautiful tribute to the “one in 8 women” diagnosed with this horrible disease. Although breast cancer can rarely affect men too, … Read more

Censorship of the #MeToo Movement- China

As detailed in the article, “‘Me Too,’ Chinese Women Say. Not So Fast Say the Censors, ” women in China are facing extreme pressure not to take part in the #metoo movement. Women who have experienced sexual assault or harassment are told to keep quiet and are often threatened or told that they will ruin their … Read more

Considering Taboos Among #MeToo Campaigns in West Africa

In October of 2017, #MeToo Challenges Taboo Against Admitting Sexual Abuse in Africa was released as a brief conversation around #MeToo and its “success” as a campaign in west Africa. While the movement does suffer negativity in its western presence (that is, within the U.S.), even more backlash and controversy surrounding the conversation exists in its west-African … Read more

Following the #MeToo movement

Time Magazine Person of the Year: “The Silence Breakers” I will start the semester off with this developing story, that will likely follow us through the semester. I want to call our attention to some interesting sociological questions: –Why now? –Why such a rapid fall from grace (job/career loss, even company bankruptcy) immediately after the … Read more

Husband School

In Niger, more than one woman dies every two hours in childbirth, and many more become disabled.  With high levels of gender inequality and maternal deaths, the United Nations Population Fund began offering “Husbands’ School” to educate married men about maternal health and related matters.  This program brings together cultural and religious leaders, NGO’s and … Read more