LGBTQ Vulnerability

Link to article: Sexual assault is a form of violence that disproportionately affects women and minority groups. This can be seen from the rates of sexual assault on LGBTQ people. It’s no shock to me that simply coming out increases one’s risk for sexual assault. The article lists and explains the risk factors LGBTQ people … Read more

The Pride Shield

This video was released on May 15th, for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The video begins with audio of several reports of anti-LGBTQ violence from around the world. It serves as a reminder that in various parts of the world LGBTQ people are still the targets of prejudice and violence. The Pride Shield … Read more

US Supreme Court backs Colorado baker’s gay wedding cake snub   Personally, I feel that businesses, regardless of the goods or services provided, should be able to make decisions about whom to serve/service based on their own religious beliefs. I think that this couple chose to elevate this issue way beyond what was necessary, if you don’t like a business owner and their beliefs … Read more

Indonesia Moving Backwards on Human Rights

In Indonesia, new penal-code revisions are going through Congress that will outlaw gay sex and extramarital sex. A country that was previously perceived as relatively tolerant as a country with the worlds largest Muslim-majority population and third largest democracy, has felt new pressure from religious conservatives to make this change. Some even went as far … Read more

Gender inequality in African American Intellectual Society (pdf attached)

Anna Julia Cooper Public Intellectuals In this article, Carolyn M Cusick discusses the role of public intellectuals in society. Especially that of Anna Julia Cooper, a young woman born into slavery and recently appointed as teacher at the renowned M Street High School. Cusick focuses on the exclusion black female academics suffered from their male … Read more

From Feministing, a New Report Details Injustices Against Transgendered Individuals in the US

A new distressing report from the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force details the physical, mental and emotional repercussions transgendered individuals face due to their “othered” status in the United States today.  One of the most alarming statistics shows that the rate of suicide attemps among transgendered individuals … Read more