Male Domination in the Transitional Government of Egypt

Even though men and women equally participated in the revolution of overthrowing Mubarak, women are not being represented in the transitional process.  No women are on the constitutional drafting team, and there are not any women assigned as cabinet ministers.  This is very important because this will lead to having the interests of women ignored … Read more

(a must read) Equality for Women A Distant Goal in the World

This is a must read. We’ve been reading a lot about the Gender inequalities taking place around the world. This piece touches on this struggle by taking us a step deeper into the conflict; steps toward resolution. Women and men are taking to the streets all over the world to promote awareness. My only criticism … Read more

Women in Egypt Speak up about Getting Left out of Constitutional Process

It is interesting to read the previous post about women feeling empowered in Egypt now in their everyday lives. And really interesting link between sexual harrassment and political frustraction. But what about at the larger “public” levels of society? See this article: women’s organizations are already protesting getting left out of scripting the new constitution–and not … Read more