LGBTQ Vulnerability

Link to article: Sexual assault is a form of violence that disproportionately affects women and minority groups. This can be seen from the rates of sexual assault on LGBTQ people. It’s no shock to me that simply coming out increases one’s risk for sexual assault. The article lists and explains the risk factors LGBTQ people … Read more

The Pride Shield

This video was released on May 15th, for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The video begins with audio of several reports of anti-LGBTQ violence from around the world. It serves as a reminder that in various parts of the world LGBTQ people are still the targets of prejudice and violence. The Pride Shield … Read more

Malaysia’s anti-gay camp violates law, says minister

This article from the BBC details a the Malaysian Women’s Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s response to a camp that claims to “un-gay” young Muslim boys.  She maintains that characterizing these supposedly effeminate teenage boys as gay or transsexual, and then attempting to “correct” their behavior will be detrimental to their mental and emotional health. Though this is the … Read more

From Feministing, a New Report Details Injustices Against Transgendered Individuals in the US

A new distressing report from the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force details the physical, mental and emotional repercussions transgendered individuals face due to their “othered” status in the United States today.  One of the most alarming statistics shows that the rate of suicide attemps among transgendered individuals … Read more

“The Kids Are Alright” by Jessica Valenti Interesting opinion piece by feminist author Jessica Valenti regarding the failed logic of conservative politics to bash homosexual couples parenting children. She touches on the traditional gender roles in America as well. – Lenna Jones