White House Responds to Murder of Ugandan LGBT Rights Activist

The link below contains the text of President Obama’s response to the murder of David Kato, as well as the murder of several LGBT activists recently murdered in Honduras. http://feministing.com/2011/01/28/white-house-responds-to-murder-of-ugandan-lgbt-rights-activist/

Iraqi government’s use of women in their anti al-Qaida campain

http://www.npr.org/2011/01/28/133213152/iraqi-women-wed-to-insurgents-find-little-hope The campaign goes “Marry a terrorist, and your children will have no rights, the campaign goes. Marry a terrorist, and you’ll be shunned by society”. Alas, most of these women were forced into those marriages at a very young age and the government is not providing any kind of social service to women (many … Read more

I am Woman Hear me Roar–Social Networking a Revolution

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgjIgMdsEuk&feature=player_embedded This is one of the voices that helped to start the protests in Egypt–it is a Must See!  If you see photographs or news footage you might get the impression that women are not involved–WRONG!  See these amazing pictures just out of Egypt since the internet reopened. http://www.kaldasianarts.com/blog/2011/02/02/egypts-largest-pro-democracy-demonstrations-in-history-so-far-february-1st-2011/ M Russell

New Republican Congress and “forcible” rape

The first act of the new Republican leadership in Congress was to try and repeal the Obama health care act. Their second act is to propose a bill called, “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion.” A key component of the bill is to allow funding for abortion only in the case of “forcible” rape instead of … Read more

In the Beginning: The Origins of Patriarchy

Margaret Huffman HIST 5005 In the Beginning: The Origins of Patriarchy             When asked, most American students would say that Islam has had a negative effect on women.  Islam did not create patriarchy in the Middle East.  Monotheism in general, and Islam in particular, have had a significant impact on the roles of women and … Read more


The Tunisian people demonstrated that they would not complacently allow their government to continue its authoritarian and predatory policies unchallenged as it had for decades.  In its wake, the whole Middle East is on the brink of revolution, with riots, demonstrations, and immolations despite efforts of governments to cut prices on bread and other staples.  As seen in this … Read more