Africa’s Second Class Citizens

While it is evident that women have become apart of the business elite, woman are still viewed as lesser than to their male coworkers. In Africa, much like other countries, women are branded as food and cosmetic workers, with few in notable positions of power. A woman’s role is still stigmatized as being the caretaker, … Read more

MIT Shows How to “Make the Great Pump Not Suck” for Women of Color

MIT Shows How to ‘Make the Breast Pump Not Suck’ for Women of Color This article discusses the need for new breast feeding innovations that will help women from different cultures to be able to feed their babies comfortably.  Specifically, this article focuses on the plight of indigenous women to design regalia that makes breast … Read more

Abuse against women in Superhero movies?

I have seen a lot of movies in my life. I have had classes to where I needed to analyze and write about them..I never thought of superhero movies as being abusive toward women, until now. Dabney Evans wrote an article on May 15th, 2018 called “What do Avengers, Black Panther and Wonder Woman have … Read more

Population and forcible birthcontrol

In 2013 it was reported that Israel’s African female refugee population was given no option but to take the depo shot as a form of birth control. The idea was to forcibly keep the population in control. The article in from 2018 brings up the murmurings that from the U.S. recent involvement with Israel the … Read more

Royal Wedding?

Ok guys, this topic really irritates me. I have seen so many news channels and media coverage for the royal wedding that leaves me feeling like, “Am I suppose to care?”. In my theories class this past fall we had to present a current event of our interest to the class, which would start a … Read more

Report on university campus sexual violence calls for culture change

Report on university campus sexual violence calls for culture change A new 72 page report is calling on Nova Scotia’s 10 universities to set up additional programs to prevent sexual violence on campus, just weeks after high-profile sexual assault charges were laid at one school. The report entitled “Changing the Culture of Acceptance” investigates the root … Read more

India rape cases spark political protest movement   In India, thousands of women have come together to protest the high rates of rape cases. The protest was started after a 2012 rape and murder case resurfaced because of a political official who was not charged for his crime early 2018. Specifically, these women are after high-profile men who have been getting away with a … Read more

Commencement Speaker at All-Women’s College Blasted for Criticizing #MeToo Movement

According to a Fox News report on May 17, 2018, the commencement speaker’s address and more specifically her criticism of the #MeToo Movement at Virginia’s all-women’s college has come under fire. It is reported that female commencement speakers have risen since the #MeToo Movement and individuals attending this commencement program was shocked when the speaker, … Read more

Getting ‘Life’, by Saving Your Life

Article: Overview: This article talks about a woman from New York named Sharon Richardson who was charged with killing her abusive boyfriend, she was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison. She’s been out of prison for 7 years now and the prison she was incarcerated in is being torn down and in its place, a … Read more