Trip Photo Album

We would like to thank our followers for reading all about our field work in Costa Rica. Today is, sadly, our last day in Cahuita, but that does not mean the project is over! While we pack up and head home to North Carolina, we would like to share our amazing trip with you! Please, enjoy some of our favorite photos. Do not forget to check back with us – analysis, interpretation, and processing await us on the other side. Keep your eyes open to find out the interpretations we make in the next few weeks!

Just another day at work!
Just another day at work!
Student records El Lanchon
Student records El Lanchon
Students, Urban, Dwyer, and Swierenga, on the boat to the cannon site
Students, Urban, Dwyer, and Swierenga, on the boat to the cannon site
Welcome to Willies tours!
Southern stingray
Southern stingray
Crew chief, Piner, holds the tape at the baseline.
Crew chief, Piner, holds the tape at the baseline.
Student, Carroll, appears to be sitting mid-water column
Student, Carroll, appears to be sitting mid-water column
Student, Schwalbe, measures cannon features
Student, Schwalbe, measures cannon features
Student, Frietas, snorkels
Student, Frietas, snorkels
Elkhorn coral
Elkhorn coral
Students, Clevenger and Frietas, record measurements of a local watercraft
Students, Clevenger and Frietas, record measurements of a local watercraft
Student, Clevenger, records the brick site
Student, Clevenger, records the Brick site
Sharpnose Pufferfisher
Sharpnose pufferfisher
Student, Frietas, floats upside down
Student, Frietas, floats upside down
Bottle found on brick site
Bottle found on brick site
Grinding stone found on brick site
Grinding stone found on brick site
Bricks piled in stair-step pattern
Bricks piled in stair-step pattern
Crew chiefs, Piner and Price, hover in the water
Crew chiefs, Piner and Price, hover in the water
Students, Schwalbe and Clevenger, use baseline offset measurements to record an artifact
Students, Schwalbe and Clevenger, use baseline offset measurements to record an artifact
Students, Rose and Christian, get ready to map a unit on the Brick site
Students, Rose and Christian, get ready to map a unit on the Brick site
Student, Ropp, works to record cannon features on a low visibility day.
Student, Ropp, works to record cannon features on a low visibility day.
Crew chief, Piner, looks through anchor ring on Cannon site
Crew chief, Piner, looks through anchor ring on Cannon site
Crew chief, Borrelli, points out bricks
Crew chief, Borrelli, points out bricks
Crew chief, Piner, GPSs a location on the Cannon site
Crew chief, Piner, GPSs a location on the Cannon site
Students snorkel on the Cannon site
Students snorkel on the Cannon site
Concretion on cannon 13's muzzle
Concretion on cannon 13’s muzzle
Cannon 08 This cannon is missing its muzzle. It is approximately 160 cm long.
Cannon 08
This cannon is missing its muzzle. It is approximately 160 cm long.
Students, Clevenger and Schwalbe, measure the Brick site
Students, Clevenger and Schwalbe, measure the Brick site
Students and staff pose on a Bri Bri banana plantation
Students and staff pose on a Bri Bri banana plantation
Harris, Pratt, and Schwalbe drink starfruit juice in a Bri Bri villiage
Harris, Pratt, and Schwalbe drink starfruit juice in a Bri Bri villiage
Crew chief, Price, eats a Bri Bri meal
Crew chief, Price, eats a Bri Bri meal
Students trek through a river to get to a waterfall
Students trek through a river to get to a waterfall
Student, Carroll, makes chocolate like the Bri Bri
Student, Carroll, makes chocolate like the Bri Bri
Richards roasts cacoa beans to make Bri Bri chocolate
Richards roasts cacoa beans to make Bri Bri chocolate
Students with their new Bri Bri familu
Students with their new Bri Bri family
Crew chief, Borrelli, hikes through the rain forest to get to a waterfall
Crew chief, Borrelli, hikes through the rain forest to get to a waterfall
Crew chiefs, Price, Borrelli, and Piner, in face paint like the Bri Bri
Crew chiefs, Price, Borrelli, and Piner, in face paint like the Bri Bri
Student, Urban, helps fellow classmates get a frog out of their shower
Student, Urban, helps fellow classmates get a frog out of their shower
Students help local captains dock their boats
Students help local captains dock their boats
Student, Rose, hovers perfectly while holding a tape on the baseline
Student, Rose, hovers perfectly while holding a tape on the baseline
Notice the eroded areas of El Lanchon.
Notice the eroded areas of El Lanchon.
Crew Chiefs, Price and Borrelli, lead a team across a bridge in Cahuita National Park.
Crew Chiefs, Price and Borrelli, cross a bridge in Cahuita National Park.
Students, Clevenger and Ropp, smile in the pouring rain
Students, Clevenger and Ropp, smile in the pouring rain
Students, Ropp and Clevenger, on a platform ready to zipline!
Students, Ropp and Clevenger, on a platform ready to zipline!
High school student points out the marine life in the photo to crew chief, Price
High school student points out the marine life in the photo to crew chief, Price
Student, Swierenga, talks to local fishermen about marine life
Student, Swierenga, talks to local fishermen about marine life
Crew Chief, Price, talks to Luis.
Crew Chief, Price, talks to Luis.
Jorge tells students and staff about the Costa Rican rain forest
Jorge tells students and staff about the Costa Rican rain forest
Students interview Don Manuel
Students interview Don Manuel
Student, Oyediran, interviews Congo Man
Student, Oyediran, interviews Congo Man
Students and staff (from left to right: Dwyer, Richards, Swierenga, Harris, and Oyediran) find shoreline bricks
Students and staff (from left to right: Dwyer, Richards, Swierenga, Harris, and Oyediran) find shoreline bricks
Crew chief, Price, counts fish on snorkel
Crew chief, Price, counts fish on snorkel
Student, Ropp, records anchor details
Student, Ropp, records anchor details
Leadership team explores Puerto Viejo
Leadership team explores Puerto Viejo

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