Trip Photo Album

We would like to thank our followers for reading all about our field work in Costa Rica. Today is, sadly, our last day in Cahuita, but that does not mean the project is over! While we pack up and head home to North Carolina, we would like to share our amazing trip with you! Please, … Read more

Cloudy with a Chance of El Lanchon

Today, a small group of us went back to El Lanchon in Puerto Viejo to take measurements of the structure. I finished up photography for the photogrammetry of the top of the barge structure while Wale and Scott ran a baseline along the structure and took measurements of significant features. These included spots of erosion, … Read more

Shore Diving – An Adventure in Cahuita National Park

Today we only had two boats available to take us to the wreck sites. The snorkel group, which included Dr. Harris, Dr. Richards, Kelsey, Wale, and I, elected to hike through Cahuita National Park to get to the brick scatter near the Cannon site. This brick scatter was only recently discovered when Dr. Harris and … Read more

A Conversation with Richard

Richard Wilson is a local fisherman and tour guide residing in Cahuita, Costa Rica. Originally born in Nicaragua, he moved to Costa Rica to be with family members and to embrace the local culture. He uses his boat, Jamaica Town, to support himself financially through fishing and snorkeling tours. Eighteen years ago, he found the … Read more

A Conversation with Don Manuel

On day six of the Costa Rica summer field school, participants continued to conduct an ethnographic survey of the town of Cahuita. To complement the boat recording, conversations with the captains are being held and documented. My team, which consisted of myself, Jeremy Borrelli, Wale Oyediran, Allyson Ropp, and Devin Urban, was fortunate enough to … Read more

A comedy of errors (and, of course, some mapping)

Today we started mapping the brick site using the baseline we set two days ago. Each of us was assigned a “unit” to map to scale, and we attached a tape measurer to the baseline to take offsets within our section. We decided to use a 5 centimeters to 1 meter scale and prepped our … Read more

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