Videos and Reports: Wait, you thought we were done!?

Since we left Costa Rica a lot has happened. The semester has seen most of the students back in class, busily working on papers and participating in new field projects, but that does not mean Expedition Costa Rica has ended! Report writing and public outreach have continued. In January, the majority of us will present … Read more

Trip Photo Album

We would like to thank our followers for reading all about our field work in Costa Rica. Today is, sadly, our last day in Cahuita, but that does not mean the project is over! While we pack up and head home to North Carolina, we would like to share our amazing trip with you! Please, … Read more

Cloudy with a Chance of El Lanchon

Today, a small group of us went back to El Lanchon in Puerto Viejo to take measurements of the structure. I finished up photography for the photogrammetry of the top of the barge structure while Wale and Scott ran a baseline along the structure and took measurements of significant features. These included spots of erosion, … Read more

Tourists for a day

Instead of diving today, we took the opportunity to accomplish other tasks assigned to us. We were split into three groups – some students remained behind to do data processing, some walked around Cahuita to work on an artwork inventory, and the final group interviewed a fisherman about his personal history and connection with the … Read more

Post-processing after small craft recording

Over the last two days, Sydney, Kelsey, Bettie, and I worked on recording the small boat Jamaica Town. Our process ranged from making basic observations, such as how many rows of seat the boat had and its color, to taking detailed measurements of the watercraft. After we collected the data our group worked on another … Read more

Photos, photos, and more photos: How to make a 3D model

After a morning of diving, Dr. Richards, Hannah, Devin, Elise, Lauren, and I set out for an afternoon in Puerto Viejo, a town near Cahuita and home to one of our sites, El Lanchon. El Lanchon is the remnants of a 19th century oil barge used for transporting heavy machinery that was abandoned by Loffland … Read more

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