Information on Incompletes
This department document provides much information about ECU and allowing Incompletes for students. A general practice is not to award an incomplete if 75% or more of the work of the course is not completed. For ENGL 1100 and 2201, this means that all but the Portfolio of Revisions must be completed for an Incomplete option to be considered.
This is a two page handout defining FERPA. Faculty may not share any information not considered “Directory Information” with anyone but students. Students must give written consent for grades or their performance in a class to be shared. Check with the Dean of Students office if the student has given consent and to whom before disclosing any information.
Code of Conduct/Disruptive Behavior
Procedures for faculty to follow if a student has disruptive behavior in class.
Counseling Center for Students
This document includes contact information and explains how faculty can refer students of concern to the Counseling Center.
Academic Integrity Procedures
Information from the Faculty Manual explaining the full process for an Academic Integrity violation
GTA Evaluation Form
This document provides the evaluation form for graduate teaching assistants.
Copy Policy
This document contains the departmental copy policy.
Audio Visual Policy
This document contains the departmental audio visual policy,
Dept. of English Reminders
This document contains important information regarding the Department of English.
5 Things to Remember when E-Mailing a Professor
This is a 2012 USA Today article that may be beneficial to share with students.
Reporting a Person of Concern
“Often you can help students exhibiting such behaviors by asking some basic questions, listening, giving basic advice and making referrals to campus resources to help them. If the student needs more support than you can provide, you may report students of concern to ECU Cares or by calling 252-737-5555. Additionally, you can make a referral to the Center for Counseling and Student Development (252-328-6661) or to the Dean of Students (252-328-9297) as appropriate. Some students may benefit from a referral for academic assistance (i.e., advising, tutoring or through the associate dean within an academic college).”