It’s weighing some people down

Canvas Grades when downloaded can be a bit confusing as it automatically creates percentages for assignments per either your grouping or dependent where they are located.  I am re-posting a past blog on this topic here. Here are some files which may also help. Setting Up Point-Based Gradebook-1 Setting Up Percentage-Based Gradebook

Reading day Symposium and Grade Tips

If you haven’t checked out the Symposium – How I Survived the Pivot_ Creative Solutions to Facilitate Remote Learning click this link for what’s coming or what you missed. Some Grade reminders for Students and Faculty What if Grades for Students Weighting Grades Export Grades Hiding Grades Print Exam

Share this tip with your students!

What are What-if Grades?  What-If Grades allow students to calculate their total grade by entering hypothetical grades for assignments. Only students can enter and view What-If scores. Canvas is always working to calculate two grades, the current grade and the total grade, for students. The current grade is calculated by adding up the graded assignments … Read more

Grade Center Tips!

1.  The last access column represents the last time the student accessed the course you are checking. 2. Hiding a column just hides it  from the your grade center view it is still visible to the students. To hide a column from student edit the column information and select NO for option 3 3. To … Read more

Grades and non grades

As the semester’s almost over I often get a question about adding extra credit to weighted totals in grade center, this link gives a good explanation and steps on how to do this.  Remember if you “work offline” and download your grades to put them on your pirate drive rather than your hard drive so … Read more

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