Category: Canvas

Cross Listing (Combining Sections)

Cross – Listing – Quick Steps

  • Click into parent course, copy the number from the end of the course’s URL from it’s home page.
  • Click into child course, click settings, click sections, click the section name of course and select Cross – List on the right, enter the id number you just copied from parent.
  • That’s it!


Checking up

Course analytics will show you activity, assignment submissions, grades, and students. You can view analytics in both active and concluded courses.


  • The Analytics features displayed in this lesson will be removed in a future release and will be replaced by New Analytics. View more information on using New Analytics.
  • Viewing analytics is a course permission. If you cannot view analytics, your institution has restricted this feature.
  • The Analytics button only displays once students have been enrolled and students have started to participate in the course.

Some neat things coming to Canvas

New Quizzes in Modules

New Quizzes in Modules Video

New Quizzes can now be created when adding quizzes to a module.

What is New Quizzes?

New Quizzes is an assessment engine that provides an improved interface for creating quizzes/tests. The original quiz engine, called Classic Quizzes, is still available for instructors not using New Quizzes.

New Quizzes Guides 

Submission Reassignment

Submission Reassignment Video

In SpeedGrader, instructors can add comments then ask an individual student to redo their submission.

Once the assignment has been reassigned, students will find it in their assignments list.

Now Available!

Microsoft Immersive Reader

The Microsoft Immersive Reader boosts the accessibility of pages and can enhance the reading experience for students.

The Immersive Reader won’t get in the way or alter pages. You can launch the Immersive Reader then return to the original page view at any time.

How do I use the Microsoft Immersive Reader as a student? (Links to an external site.)

How do I use the Microsoft Immersive Reader as an instructor? (Links to an external site.)

View Ungraded as Zero

The Gradebook View menu will include a ‘View Ungraded as 0 option.’ This option does not affect or change grades.

Benefit: Provides instructors with an option to identify calculations for ungraded assignments.

Printing Tests with Answers

This question comes across my desk frequently, how can I print a test with answers in Canvas.  At this time the only way it can be done for large exams is to export the quiz in Canvas.

Go to Settings, Export Content, Select Quiz, Select the Quiz to Export, it will create the QTI Export (refresh your screen to see it, you will also get an email)

Click the link to download, it will be a zip file.

Open Respondus Test Generator, switch profile to IMS QTI, import questions and switch the the Import from type file to zipped IMS QTI as it does not come up by default.

Proceed as usual with Test Setup in Respondus, give it a name, preview and then you can print with answers etc.


Maybe you need a Collection

Studio is a great tool for short lectures, assignment reviews and giving students a face to a lecture.  If you have been using it for the past semesters you might want to gather specific recordings into a Collection.

You can create collections in your Canvas Studio library. Creating a collection allows you to organize your media library and share specific collections and media with other users.  A Collection also makes it easy to share multiple videos with another course, faculty or students.

Coming soon to Canvas – Microsoft Immersive Reader – 3/20

The Microsoft Immersive Reader boosts the accessibility of pages and can enhance the reading experience for students.

The Immersive Reader won’t get in the way or alter pages. You can launch the Immersive Reader then return to the original page view at any time.

How do I use the Microsoft Immersive Reader as a student?

How do I use the Microsoft Immersive Reader as an instructor?


While we are talking about hacks

This link will bring you to 20 but I thought these were pretty neat

Grade rollbacks

If you’ve made errors while entering grades (and who among us hasn’t accidentally found ourselves entering grades in the wrong column before?), the grade rollback feature might be your new best friend. In your gradebook, if you click on the gear wheel in the top left, the first item on the drop-down menu is “view grading history.” Like with page rollbacks, this allows you to revert back to the previous save point.

Display multiple documents side-by-side using a table

If you have multiple documents you would like your students to be able to look at side-by-side, insert a blank table on your page and then insert a document into each cell. Students can click on one document at a time to view it full screen or can scroll through documents right next to each other to compare and contrast them.

In case you didn’t read the recent Digest

Qwickly Attendance: Cross-listed Courses

If sections are cross-listed but you prefer to manage attendance separately, in the Student Grouping setting, enable By Course Section. If not enabled, Qwickly will combine cross-listed courses into a single list. We’ve also updated our Qwickly Attendance Guide to include this topic.

Rubric Reports

This new tool allows instructors to generate and download four types of reports for rubrics being used in used in any Canvas course. To ensure valid data, rubric name and structure must be identical across course(s).

How to Create and Download Rubric Reports

Report Types & Descriptions

  1. Rubric ID. All assessments for all assignments for the Rubric.
  2. Assignment ID. All assessments for the single assignment.
  3. CRN at Rubric Level. All assessments for all assignments for the Rubric for the selected section.
  4. CRN at Assignment Level. All the assessments for the single assignment for the selected section.

From Digest

Why don’t students see announcements?

In order for students to view announcements from your Homepage, click settings, Details Tab, scroll to the bottom for “more options” and the first option is to check the box to show on Announcements on Homepage and you can select how many to show.

Remember if you have copied content from a previous semester, announcements will be copied and may need to be edited.