So you kind of messed up

Couple of things to rectify small or big mistakes. When entering information in the text box Ctlr+z will undo. Want to go back to a previous version of a page, click on page history and restore back. Want to wipe out everything you have done in a course, go to Settings and click Reset Course … Read more

Grades to be saved and Spring 2020 courses

Go to grades and click Actions, ExportIf you are planning on using Canvas this Spring 2020 you do not need to export/archive your spring 2019 Blackboard course as it is already in Canvas and you can copy content within Canvas, either all or specific content and adjust due dates, contact this office if you need … Read more

More training to view!

Some recent in house Canvas trainings. Some items to think about as you view your past courses, do you need A landing page Announcement page Directed Learning use Modules Lots of link create a page

Throwback to Blackboard

Some tips/answers on Announcements – From Blackboard User Group – by default when you post an announcement on a course that is available to students, all users (instructors/teaching assistants/students) on the course will receive an email containing the announcement.  The email will appear to come from an automated account. The email will be sent within … Read more

So you are giving a test and the fire alarm goes off!

And other test options to be aware of:

You may choose to set the Options one way for the duration of the test/survey and then change the Options after the test/survey has been taken. (i.e. do not allow the students to see correct answers until all have completed the test.)

Test / Survey Availability Options Best Practices

  • Make the Link Available – YES
  • Add New Announcement for Test/Survey – YES (this will create an announcement about the test/survey to remind the students and a link to the item can be within the announcement) This is optional, but if not used make sure your students know where to find the Test/Survey.
  • Allow Multiple Attempts – NO. Do not set this unless the Test/Survey is just a tool for self assessment and the instructor doesn’t want the results. Multiple Attempts only will keep the last attempt within the Grade Center. The instructor will know how many times the Test/Survey was taken or what scores where given.
  • Force Completion – NO. This will only make it harder for you. The force completion setting will not allow the student to re-access a Test/Survey if they were kicked out or if the Fire Alarm goes off!  If you are concerned about cheating, then there are other settings to use to help reduce cheating, but with online Tests/Surveys there is no real way to prevent cheating without a proctored environment. If you use this option, for every student who has technical difficulties, you will need to manually clear their attempts (3 clicks each student).  When clicked YES it  means that a student will be required to submit the test after they first click the link to begin the survey.  If the student does not click the Submit  button, the attempt will be marked as In Progress and the attempt will need to be cleared.  Force Completion with LockDown Browser? No. LDB does not like Force Completion. Use the timer and Auto-Submit instead
  • Set Timer – YES. This will help to detour cheating. Set the time to allow those students who have studied the proper amount of time to complete the Test/Survey. If a student didn’t study, they will not be able to finish the Test/Survey in the time you provide. Students who exceed the limit will still be able to submit the test but no grade will be displayed.  This option also records total completion time.  If a test is NOT set as Force Completion, then a student will be able to answer some of the questions, click the Save button, exit the test, and then click on the link to take the test.  The completion time will show the total time the student spent working on the test.

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