Maybe you need a Collection

Studio is a great tool for short lectures, assignment reviews and giving students a face to a lecture.  If you have been using it for the past semesters you might want to gather specific recordings into a Collection. You can create collections in your Canvas Studio library. Creating a collection allows you to organize your … Read more

Studio Help!

Canvas Studio FAQ. A few questions you’ll find answers to: How long can I record? Can failed recordings be recovered? Can deleted media be recovered? Why did my media file fail to upload? How do I embed media in a course? Is the Insights data correct?


Desktop recordings in Canvas are done in Studio, which is accessed from your main menu.  You now can organize your recordings by using using Collections. Collections, like folders, make organizing and finding media easier. Collections can also be shared, inside Canvas, with other ECU users.  Neat tool to use!

I know I recorded it but

Where is it? When using Studio for recording lectures the screen can get full quickly with recordings. One tip is to name your recordings with the Course name or abbreviation ie. OET8000, the date and perhaps the topic. You can also review which recordings are in which class by clicking the hamburger menu next to … Read more

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