Domestic workers in the UAE: new protections?

Dr. Rhacel Salazar Parrenas describes the lives of Filipino women who are domestic workers in the United Arab Emirates based on her ethnographic interviews and observations. They are cleaning, cooking, caring for children, and keeping households running, for their employers, who may be UAE citizens or foreign-born people employed in the UAE. We learn their … Read more

Facebook and Human Trafficking

Good morning, Some of you may be posting about this, but it popped up as the top CNN story: Their own report admitted that FB is used in all stages of “the human exploitation lifecycle (recruitment, facilitation, exploitation).” I am aware that mail-order marriages use social-media platforms. It is relevant to our final paper research … Read more

Pronatalism Strips Autonomy from Women

By Chelsea Silvia In Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, shadowy female figures glide silently through the streets and the bedrooms. In the Republic of Gilead, their destinies were defined by their reproductive parts, with the handmaids’ only task being to bear children for the wives of the Commanders. Handmaids endure a violent re-education process … Read more

Human Trafficking and Criminal Justice

By Victoria Sluder Sold, captured, and scammed. These are the methods by which men, women, and children are trafficked every year. In recent years, women and children are the primary targets for trafficking of all kinds due to poverty, unstable political climates, and errors in the criminal justice system. There are protocols put in place … Read more

Discrimination Against Transgender Individuals in Lebanon

By Giana Williams Nancy, a 35-year-old transgender woman living in Beirut, Lebanon, was woken by armed and masked General Security personnel and was arrested and was taken to a detention facility along with other transgender women. She was tortured and was coerced into confessing to fabricated charges of prostitution. She was thrown into an all-male … Read more

A 39¢ Bottle of Acid for a Lifetime of Scars: The Reality for Victims

By Neha Kelkar The 2020 Bollywood film, Chhapaak, is based on the life of Laxmi Agarwal. When Laxmi was just 15 years old, she was flung into the streets, pinned down, and attacked with acid in a crowded area. Three days prior, she had rejected an older man’s advances. Instantly, her ears melted and both … Read more