The Kiss that Overshadowed Spanish Women’s Soccer History

Women’s soccer is a passion of mine and while USA is my team, even I had to admit that at this year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup Spain was a dominant force. Their team was among the best, if not the best, that I had watched in my time as a fan. I spent the cup … Read more

Men Fearful After #MeToo Movement

This article by the HuffPost discusses backlash to the #MeToo movement. We discussed in class and read about different negative opinions about and criticisms of the #MeToo movement. I was interested to see how these negative opinions and criticisms could negatively affect the movement’s progress in helping prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. The article … Read more

Abusive Men in Hip-Hop

In class, we discussed cancel culture today and how many music artists who have allegations against them are able to continue their careers and not be held accountable. This article discusses men in hip-hop specifically and highlights a very important issue in the music industry and society in general. Why are abusive men in hip-hop … Read more

#MeToo and “Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons”

Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons   In a 2017 post titled “Sexual Harassment and Hollywood’s Earliest Cartoons” the author, Gabrielle Bellot, explained that recent claims of sexual harassment from Harvey Weinstein that started the #MeToo movement are what inspired her to investigate sexual harassment in Hollywood. Upon hearing about these claims she was reminded … Read more

Blog Post #1 (9/13/21)

For my first blog post assignment, I wanted to incorporate the #MeToo movement that has been ever so prevalent in our class over the past couple of weeks. The article that I chose was published by The Washington Post and is called “#Metoo raised awareness about sexual misconduct. Has it curbed bad behavior?” The author … Read more

The struggles of a “Ko-reer” Woman: Understanding Sexual Harassment Cross-Culturally

By Tiger Hobday   The sun scorches on a hot Saturday in downtown Seoul, South Korea. The streets of the Western town located in the city are filled with the hustle-and-bustle of Korean citizens, international tourists, expats and the usual young American soldiers. On the second floor of one of the buildings on the main … Read more


We all know that #metoo is a global movement going on right now, and it has to deal with personal experiences of sexual assault. It’s giving woman the platform they need to speak out on men who have abused them and taken their innocence from. But since this is mostly girls speaking out, what about … Read more

LGBTQ Vulnerability

Link to article: Sexual assault is a form of violence that disproportionately affects women and minority groups. This can be seen from the rates of sexual assault on LGBTQ people. It’s no shock to me that simply coming out increases one’s risk for sexual assault. The article lists and explains the risk factors LGBTQ people … Read more

Aftermath of abuse: When is it okay to share another’s story?

This particular article posted in the Guest column by News24, is about the aftermath of abuse. The headline asks, “when is it okay to share another’s story?” This is an interesting article to read because we always try to encourage the victims of abuse to speak out, but we never concern ourselves about it being … Read more

Valedictorian asked to not speak of sexual assault

Lulabel Seitz said that she was told by her administrators to not speak about her or other students sexual assault experiences in high school. Almost scared away she decided to still speak on sexual assault during her valedictorian speech. Her microphone was then cut off because the school said that her speech, “wouldn’t help”. When … Read more