A Self Proclaimed Hero in Leila Khaled’s My People Shall Live

In Leila Khaled’s My People Shall Live, Khaled tells of her journey as a Palestinian soldier on a mission to bring justice to her people from the Israelis.  As the narrator, Khaled tells the story in such a way that she seems to be trying to convince the readers that she was justified in the … Read more

A Call to End Female Genital Mutilation in Somalia

Carolina Fonseca Somalia is a small country in East Africa where female genital mutilation is widespread and consists of the most severe form of female circumcision. This violent act of removing the clitoris, or parts of it, has grown to be a public health issue because the practice has severe physical and mental health consequences … Read more

Women’s Commission in Pakistan Gains Autonomous Status

Women’s groups within Pakistan have lobbied for years for the government to strengthen the Women’s Commission and give it autonomous status. On 2 February 2012, the Pakistan Senate unanimously approved the “National Commission on the Status of Women Bill 2012″ to protect women’s rights against every kind of discrimination. The new bill replaces the National … Read more

Gendering the Immigration Debate

In today’s New York Times, there are two pieces regarding immigration and Latinos — unrelated articles, but developments to pay attention to. First is the announcement that Obama is going to recruit Latina actresses to help promote his ideas for immigration reform. Second is a piece asking for a discussion over whether the U.S. needs … Read more